American Indians: Stereotypes and Realities, Devon Mihesuah


In her book, American Indians: Stereotypes and Realities, Devon Mihesuah states:
“Stereotyping American Indians is a form of racism that causes numerous problems, not only for those who
are stigmatized, but also for those who perpetuate the myths. For the victims, false imagery most notably
causes emotional distress: anger, frustration, insecurity, and feelings of helplessness. Those who stereotype
suffer more subtly. Without attempting to learn about the people they misunderstand, they cheat
themselves as well. They speak from ignorance and do not possess a well-rounded version of American
history. They cannot appreciate what Indians have to offer because they refuse to believe that real Indians
may be different from their images. Most of these people learn about Indians from hearsay and imagery, not
from real Indians who could properly educate them.” (p. 113)

Do you agree or disagree with the above statement by Mihesuah? Be specific in your answer. For example, is
stereotyping a form of racism? Use a minimum of 8 specific pop culture examples from the Day 4 lecture
video, but feel free to use more. These examples can be from any of the forms of media that were highlighted
in the lectures. Do American Indian stereotypes have a demonstrable effect on how we understand history in
the United States? How have the stereotypes or myths about Pocahontas, for example, affected our
understanding of that period of history? There is no one correct answer to these questions and we encourage
you to offer your own opinions and perspective. Just be sure to use solid examples and reasoning to support
your positions.

Sample Solution

Around 45 to 55 million years ago there lived an ancestor of one of today’s common species, the horse (Equus ferus callabus). This individual was a Hyracotherium which inhabited the Earth during the Eocene period. This species remained on the planet for a relatively long time seeing that there were limited ‘selection pressures’ present. Evolutionists are not entirely certain what drove the evolution of this species but many believe that a changing environment due to climate change is rather likely. This Hyracotherium was rather small and had toes on each foot. However now with the changing environment, the anatomy of this species was no longer beneficial to it’s survival. In a population, no two individuals are the same. This is due to variation caused by genetic mutation. There will be individuals in this population who will be able to accommodate this change in the environment better than others, and hence are more likely to survive. These individuals will therefore be allowed to reproduce, passing their advantageous alleles onto their offspring. This is known as Natural Selection, a mechanism proposed by Charles Darwin which can explain the process of evolution. Over time, the population will now have a larger proportion of these advantages alleles which facilitates the survival of these individuals. If the new population has changed to a relatively large extent and an individual from the original population cannot reproduce with a new member of a population to produce fertile offspring, then a process known as speciation has occured. This is the process of a new species arising from an older, now probably extinct species.

Around 2690 BC the Egyptian language was present. This makes it one of the world’s oldest languages. It is well-known that the Egyptians were an intelligent race when it came to many fields of study so it is hardly surprising that they devised their own language which was written in the form of hieroglyphics and was also thought to have been spoken. The language remained in Egypt for around 3000 years due the land’s resistance to major external influences or for comparative purposes, so-called ‘selection pressures’. Egyptologists are not entirely certain what drove this Egyptian language to become extinct but it is thought that Christianisation influenced the rapid process of the death of the Egyptian language. This language was used from day-to-day communication to the writing-up of the treatments of several conditions such as asthma. There is always variation in a population and no individuals speak the same way. Individuals have their own idiolect. There will be a certain way of speaking and hence thinking that may be able to survive this change in environment not only due to the individual’s willingness to adapt, but also the desire to be integrated into a changing society. With these selected individuals, their way of speaking and thought may become the desired

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