November 17, 2020


    As you read the first chapter from Virginia Held’s book and watch the videos, reflect on the topic you are planning to write about […]
November 26, 2020

Personal code of ethics

Write an essay in about 1000-1200 words on the following topic. Provide a statement explaining your own personal code of ethics. Include at least 4 codes […]
November 30, 2020


A 24-year-old Pakistani immigrant woman has given birth to a healthy boy. She expresses sadness that her family cannot be there to see him. The nurse […]
December 3, 2020

Publication of allegations without contacting the accused.

Publication of allegations without contacting the accused. you must be very specific here and go into details of an example and back it up with facts […]
December 5, 2020

Ethics are universal

Singer claims that ethics are universal, extending to everyone. Is he right? Do we have the same obligations of justice to sentient animals as to people, […]
December 9, 2020

Valuation and Ethics

          LO1 Critically evaluate valuation methodologies and their uses LO2 Critically appraise aspects of ethics and regulation and provide reasoned solutions and […]
December 9, 2020

Ethical considerations

    Ethical considerations, decisions and conduct play a critical role in determining the best outcomes related to the overall impact that business and engineering projects […]
December 9, 2020

Unethical behavior and cheat

    Why do people resort to unethical behavior and cheat? Please address a current ethical issue related to our current political arena, the Covid 19 […]
December 15, 2020

Paying for government programs that are morally wrong

  Is it just for people to be taxed to pay for government programs that they feel are morally wrong? Give an example. Can any of […]