Cotton wood Arizona intersection


cotton wood Arizona intersection is what you need to search about to find the info bellow
simply explain carefully in one paragraph the current situation at the intersection: street names, number of
lanes etc. Adding a figure would also help.
and another paragraph Need to add information on pedestrian crosswalks, bike lanes. in the intersection how
many bike lanes crosswalks and their dimensions simply in one paragraph


Sample Solution

spent three years illegally acquiring money and “bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay” (Fitzgerald).

The idea of romance in the 1920s is obviously different than it is now being that back then it was very appealing for a man to fully care for women because women were known to be helpless beings. But in modern times it is conceived as completely offensive to think of a woman in that way.

He also completely isolates himself from society, he has no real friends, he works illegally, and he doesn’t even show up to his own parties. He doesn’t care about being an outcast of society because he only cares about getting Daisy back. That is why he throws the parties in the first place. Gatsby feels like if he becomes well known enough throughout Long Island for his parties, then Daisy would show up to one of them. He doesn’t see the point in being at the party, or being anywhere for that matter, if Daisy isn’t there as well.

When they finally seen each other again after almost five years Nick states that “Their eyes met, and they starred together at each other, alone in space.” Finally, after all that time of watching the green light at the end of her dock across the bay, they has finally met again.

Most people look at Gatsby as more of a tragic hero rather than a romantic hero being that his flaws are the reason that he was killed. His love for Daisy was his biggest flaw because it blinded him from why Daisy was really with him and made him so naive. Nick wasn’t very close with Daisy, but he was in fact her cousin and he could tell that she wasn’t in love with him like he was with her. He even said in the book that he didn’t “think she ever loved him.”(Fitzgerald). She just used him to get back at Tom for cheating on her with Myrtle. Deep down he knew that but he didn’t want to let himself believe it. Gatsby’s stubborn optimism and his insistence that the past can be recreated destroys any hope for a salvageable future between him and Daisy. While standing outside the Gatsby mansion, looking across Manhass

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