Cultural factor such as health beliefs, language, perception of time



Select one cultural factor such as health beliefs, language, perception of time, environment control, etc. (see textbook reading) and apply it to a selected ethnic group. The paper will include the following:
1. One impact on medication preparation. Explain.
2. Two impacts on medication administration. Explain.
3. Two potential adverse reactions. Explain with rationale.
4. One possible issue in adherence to medication regimen. Explain how this can be overcome.


Sample Solution

All cultures have systems of health beliefs to explain what causes illness, how it can be cured or treated, and who should be involved in the process. The extent to which patients perceive patient education as having cultural relevance for them can have a profound effect on their reception to information provided and their willingness to sue it. Western industrialized societies such as the United States, which see disease as a result of natural scientific phenomena, advocate medical treatments that combat microorganisms or use sophisticated technology to diagnose and treat disease. Other societies believe that illness is the result of supernatural phenomena and promote prayer or other spiritual intervention that counter the presumed disfavor of powerful forces.

ere evil doesn’t offset the potential advantages (Begby et al (2006b), Page 325).’ This is additionally upheld by Frowe who makes sense of it is legal to inadvertently kill, at whatever point the warrior has full information on his activities and looks to finish his point, however it would include some significant pitfalls. Be that as it may, this doesn’t conceal the reality the accidental actually killed honest individuals, showing impropriety in their activities. In this manner, it relies again upon proportionality as Thomson contends (Frowe (2011), Page 141). This prompts question of what meets all requirements to be a warrior, and whether it is legitimate to kill each other as soldiers. Soldiers are individuals who are involved straightforwardly or in a roundabout way with the conflict and it is legitimate to kill ‘to protect the honest from hurt… rebuff scalawags (Begby et al (2006b), Page 290).However, as referenced above regular citizen can’t be hurt, showing warriors as the main genuine focuses on, one more state of jus in bello, as ‘we may not utilize the blade against the people who have not hurt us (Begby et al (2006b), Page 314).’ likewise, Frowe recommended soldiers should be distinguished as warriors, to keep away from the presence of hit and run combat which can wind up in a higher passing count, for instance, the Vietnam War. Additionally, he contended they should be essential for the military, carry weapons and apply to the principles of jus in bello. (Frowe (2011), Page 101-3). This proposes Frowe looks for a fair, simply battle between two members staying away from non-warrior passings, yet couldn’t this prompt higher demise rate for soldiers, as the two sides have somewhat equivalent opportunity to win since both utilize comparative strategies? By and by, seemingly Frowe will contend that soldier can legitimately kill one another, showing this is simply, which is likewise upheld by Vittola, who states: ‘it is legal to draw the blade and use it against evildoers (Begby et al (2006b), Page 309).’ what’s more, Vittola communicates the degree of military strategies utilized, yet never arrives at a resolution regardless of whether it’s legal to continue these activities, as he continually tracked down a center ground, where it tends to be legal to do things like this however never consistently (Begby et al (2006b), Page 326-31). This is upheld by Frowe, who estimates the genuine strategies as per proportionality and military need. It relies upon the greatness of how much harm done to each other, to pass judgment on the activities after a conflict. For instance, one can’t just nuke the fear monger bunches all through the center east, since it isn’t just corresponding, it will harm the entire populace, a potentially negative result. All the more critically, the fighters should have the right expectation in the thing they will accomplish, forfeiting the expenses for their activities. For instance: to execute all detainees of war, they should do it for the right goal and for a noble motivation, corresponding to the damage done to them. This is upheld by Vittola: ‘not generally legitimate to execute all warriors… we should consider… size of the injury incurred by the foe.’ This is additionally upheld by Frowe approach, which is much more upright than Vittola’s view however suggests similar plans: ‘can’t be rebuffed essentially for battling.’ This implies one can’t just rebuff another on the grounds that they have been a soldier. They should be treated as sympathetically as could really be expected. Notwithstanding, the circumstance is raised on the off chance that killing them can prompt harmony and security, inside the interests, everything being equal. Generally, jus in bello recommends in wars, damage must be utilized against warriors, n

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