Employee Contributions Presentation

There is an increased focus in today’s global economy and business climate on understanding employee personality, moods, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, and their impact on organizations. Additionally, initiatives regarding talent acquisition have been encouraged to promote diversity in their hiring practices that would support a workforce and organizational culture that brings in rich experiences and backgrounds.

This phenomenon has focused on studying the impact of human behavior on organizations and how organizational practices, culture, and behaviors may impact the individual. Knowing the influence of an individual’s culture, personality, and behavior on organizational performance has led to the need to design more effective organizational processes and practices that impact employees to improve organizational performance.

As an HR professional, you have been asked to present at an upcoming event sponsored by your organization. The event’s focus is “The Employee Contributions: How the employee’s attitudes, personality, and behaviors impact organizational success.” Remember, you are not only an HR professional, but you are also representing your company. You can use any company to serve as a backdrop to address the following requirements for the presentation.

Create a presentation with speaker’s notes that:

Provides a title slide (1 Slide)
Provides an agenda (1 Slide)
Provides an introduction (1 Slide)
Examines personality characteristics and personal values for organizational fit (2-3 Slides)
How do these characteristics and values align with an organization?
Analyzes the influences of emotions and behaviors on work-related performance (1-2 Slides)
How will a person’s moods and emotions influence their behaviors in the workplace?
Summarizes the impact of attitudes and behaviors on employee job satisfaction (2-3 Slides)
Describe both the challenges and benefits to the organization.


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Slide 1: Title Slide

Title: The Employee Contributions: How the Employee’s Attitudes, Personality, and Behaviors Impact Organizational Success

Company Logo

(Replace with your company logo)


Speaker Notes Good morning/afternoon everyone, and thank you for joining us today. I’m [Your Name], HR professional at [Your Company Name]. Today, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of employee contributions and how their attitudes, personalities, and behaviors significantly impact organizational success. By understanding these factors, we can cultivate a more engaged and productive workforce, ultimately propelling our businesses forward.

Slide 2: Agenda


  • Introduction
  • Personality Characteristics and Values for Organizational Fit
  • How Emotions and Behaviors Influence Work Performance
  • The Impact of Attitudes and Behaviors on Employee Job Satisfaction: Challenges and Benefits
  • Conclusion





Speaker Notes Our agenda for today’s session covers the following key points. We’ll begin with a brief introduction, then dive deeper into how personality characteristics and personal values contribute to a good organizational fit. We’ll explore how emotions and behaviors influence work performance, and then analyze the impact of employee attitudes and behaviors on job satisfaction, considering both the challenges and benefits for the organization. Finally, we’ll wrap up with some concluding remarks.

Slide 3: Introduction


  • Understanding the “Why” Behind Employee Behavior
  • In today’s dynamic business landscape, understanding the “why” behind employee behavior is crucial.
  • Employee personality, attitudes, and values significantly impact their engagement, performance, and overall contribution to the organization.
  • By fostering a work environment that aligns with these factors, we can create a more productive and successful organization.

Speaker Notes In today’s competitive landscape, attracting and retaining top talent is essential. But it’s not just about hiring the most skilled individuals. Delving deeper into the “why” behind employee behavior unlocks a treasure trove of potential. An employee’s personality, attitudes, and values significantly influence their engagement, performance, and overall contribution to the organization. By fostering a work environment that aligns with these factors, we cultivate a more engaged, productive, and ultimately, successful organization.

Slide 4: Personality Characteristics and Values for Organizational Fit

Personality Characteristics and Values for Organizational Fit

  • Finding the Right Match
  • Personality Traits: Conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness to experience (OCEAN model) all play a role in how employees approach work.
  • Values: An employee’s core values should align with the organization’s mission and culture. This fosters a sense of belonging and purpose.

Speaker Notes Finding the right fit between employee and organization is crucial. Personality characteristics come into play here. The OCEAN model, which encompasses conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness to experience, helps us understand how individuals approach work. For instance, a highly conscientious individual thrives in detail-oriented roles, while someone with high agreeableness might excel in collaborative environments. Similarly, an employee’s core values should resonate with the organization’s mission and culture. When these values align, employees feel a sense of belonging and purpose, leading to greater motivation and commitment.

Slide 5: How Emotions and Behaviors Influence Work Performance

How Emotions and Behaviors Influence Work Performance

  • The Emotional Rollercoaster
  • Emotions can significantly impact work performance. Positive emotions like joy and excitement can boost creativity and productivity.
  • Negative emotions like stress and anger can hinder focus, decision-making, and collaboration.
  • Employee behaviors are a direct reflection of their emotions. A stressed employee might become withdrawn or irritable, impacting team dynamics.


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