Head Start Teacher Education


Prior to beginning this journal, review the following articles: Head Start Teacher – Education, Job and Salary Information (https://resilienteducator.com/teaching-careers/head-start-teacher/) and What Can I Do With an Early Childhood Education Degree? (http://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/education/blog/what-can-i-do-early-childhood-education-degree)Additionally, explore the programs available through the University of Arizona Global Campus’ Online Education Degrees (https://www.uagc.edu/degrees/education?field_degree_level_target_id=All&&items_per_page=10&&page=0)
After reviewing the two articles and the University of Arizona Global Campus’ Online Education Degrees web page, spend some time reflecting on where you see yourself after you complete your AA degree. Would you like to go on for your BA? Regardless if you would like to go on, review the Early Childhood BA options and share which would be best for you: BA Child Development (https://www.uagc.edu/online-degrees/bachelors/child-development), BA Early Childhood Development with Differentiated Instruction, (https://www.uagc.edu/online-degrees/bachelors/early-childhood-development-differentiated-instruction)BA Early Childhood Education (https://www.uagc.edu/online-degrees/bachelors/early-childhood-education), BA Early Childhood Administration (https://www.uagc.edu/online-degrees/bachelors/early-childhood-education-administration), or BA Education Studies (https://www.uagc.edu/online-degrees/bachelors/education-studies).
In your journal, address the following items:
• Which of these BAs would be best for you? Name it and explain why.
• Which of these BAs sounds most interesting to you? Why?
• Describe your ideal employment option with details surrounding the working conditions, your responsibilities, and the environment.
• Why do you think this job is a good fit for you?
• Share one specific skill you have and explain why this will help you land your dream job.
• Determine the BA that would be best for you based on your ideal employment environment.

Sample Solution

After reviewing the programs available at the University of Arizona Global Campus, I believe that the BA in Early Childhood Education would be best for me. This degree program will provide me with the knowledge and skills to work within a variety of settings, including early childhood education centers, Head Start programs, and public or private schools. The curriculum includes courses on child development theory, observation methods, language and literacy development, as well as topics related to social-emotional learning~University of Arizona (2021).

I’m particularly interested in this program because of its strong emphasis on developing an understanding of individual children from diverse backgrounds. As a future educator it is important for me to understand how a child’s culture can affect their behavior, academic performance and overall well being in order to cultivate an inclusive environment which allows each student reach their full potential ~Scales et al.(2016). With this degree I also have an opportunity obtain licensure or certification through my state board of education which would enable me teach publicly funded pre-Kindergarten Programs~Honeycutt & Koppich (2017).

In addition, there are several electives offered such as Assessment Practices: Working with Families and Healthcare Providers; Supporting Children with Disabilities; Teaching English Language Learners; Educating Young Children with Technology; etc., all providing invaluable experience necessary for becoming qualified professional working within this field~University of Arizona(2021) . Through these courses students can gain insight into different aspects relevant to Early Childhood Education such as health care services or implementing technology within classroom teaching.

All in all, after researching various options offered by the University of Arizona Global Campus I feel that BA in Early Childhood Education is best suited towards achieving my goals while providing flexibility when it comes down pursuing further studies.

Transient memory is the memory for a boost that goes on for a brief time (Carlson, 2001). In reasonable terms visual transient memory is frequently utilized for a relative reason when one can’t thoroughly search in two spots immediately however wish to look at least two prospects. Tuholski and partners allude to momentary memory similar to the attendant handling and stockpiling of data (Tuholski, Engle, and Baylis, 2001). They additionally feature the way that mental capacity can frequently be antagonistically impacted by working memory limit. It means quite a bit to be sure about the typical limit of momentary memory as, without a legitimate comprehension of the flawless cerebrum’s working it is challenging to evaluate whether an individual has a shortage in capacity (Parkin, 1996).


This survey frames George Miller’s verifiable perspective on transient memory limit and how it tends to be impacted, prior to bringing the examination state-of-the-art and outlining a determination of approaches to estimating momentary memory limit. The verifiable perspective on momentary memory limit


Length of outright judgment

The range of outright judgment is characterized as the breaking point to the precision with which one can distinguish the greatness of a unidimensional boost variable (Miller, 1956), with this cutoff or length generally being around 7 + 2. Mill operator refers to Hayes memory length try as proof for his restricting range. In this members needed to review data read resoundingly to them and results obviously showed that there was a typical maximum restriction of 9 when double things were utilized. This was regardless of the consistent data speculation, which has proposed that the range ought to be long if each introduced thing contained little data (Miller, 1956). The end from Hayes and Pollack’s tests (see figure 1) was that how much data sent expansions in a straight design alongside how much data per unit input (Miller, 1956). Figure 1. Estimations of memory for data wellsprings of various sorts and bit remainders, contrasted with anticipated results for steady data. Results from Hayes (left) and Pollack (right) refered to by (Miller, 1956)


Pieces and lumps

Mill operator alludes to a ‘digit’ of data as need might have arisen ‘to settle on a choice between two similarly probable other options’. In this manner a basic either or choice requires the slightest bit of data; with more expected for additional complicated choices, along a twofold pathway (Miller, 1956). Decimal digits are worth 3.3 pieces each, implying that a 7-digit telephone number (what is handily recollected) would include 23 pieces of data. Anyway an evident inconsistency to this is the way that, assuming an English word is worth around 10 pieces and just 23 pieces could be recollected then just 2-3 words could be recalled at any one time, clearly mistaken. The restricting range can all the more likely be figured out concerning the absorption of pieces into lumps. Mill operator recognizes pieces and lumps of data, the qualification being that a lump is comprised of various pieces of data. It is fascinating to take note of that while there is a limited ability to recall lumps of data, how much pieces in every one of those lumps can differ generally (Miller, 1956). Anyway it’s anything but a straightforward instance of having the memorable option enormous pieces right away, fairly that as each piece turns out to be more recognizable, it tends to be acclimatized into a lump, which is then recollected itself. Recoding is the interaction by which individual pieces are ‘recoded’ and appointed to lumps.

Transient memory is the memory for a boost that goes on for a brief time (Carlson, 2001). In down to earth terms visual momentary memory is frequently utilized for a relative reason when one can’t search in two spots without a moment’s delay however wish to look at least two prospects. Tuholski and partners allude to transient memory similar to the attendant handling and stockpiling of data (Tuholski, Engle, and Baylis, 2001). They likewise feature the way that mental capacity can frequently be unfavorably impacted by working memory limit. It means a lot to be sure about the ordinary limit of momentary memory as, without a legitimate comprehension of the unblemished mind’s working it is hard to evaluate whether an individual has a shortfall in capacity (Parkin, 1996).


This survey frames George Miller’s verifiable perspective on transient memory limit and how it tends to be impacted, prior to bringing the exploration forward-thinking and representing a determination of approaches to estimating momentary memory limit. The authentic perspective on transient memory limit


Length of outright judgment

The range of outright judgment is characterized as the breaking point to the precision with which one can recognize the greatness of a unidimensional upgrade variable (Miller, 1956), with this cutoff or length generally being around 7 + 2. Mill operator refers to Hayes memory length explore as proof for his restricting range. In this members needed to review data read out loud to them and results obviously showed that there was an ordinary furthest restriction of 9 when twofold things were utilized. This was in spite of the steady data speculation, which has recommended that the range ought to be long if each introduced thing contained little data (Miller, 1956). The end from Hayes and Pollack’s tests (see figure 1) was that how much data sent expansions in a direct style alongside how much data per unit input (Miller, 1956). Figure 1. Estimations of memory for data wellsprings of various kinds and digit remainders, contrasted with anticipated results for steady data. Results from Hayes (left) and Pollack (right) refered to by (Miller, 1956)


Pieces and lumps

Mill operator alludes to a ‘cycle’ of data as need might have arisen ‘to go with a choice between two similarly probable other options’. In this manner a straightforward either or choice requires the slightest bit of data; with more expected for additional complicated choices, along a parallel pathway (Miller, 1956). Decimal digits are worth 3.3 pieces each, implying that a 7-digit telephone number (what is effortlessly recollected) would include 23 pieces of data. Anyway a clear inconsistency to this is the way that, assuming an English word is worth around 10 pieces and just 23 pieces could be recalled then just 2-3 words could be recollected at any one time, clearly inaccurate. The restricting range can more readily be grasped concerning the digestion of pieces into lumps. Mill operator recognizes pieces and lumps of data, the qualification being that a piece is comprised of numerous pieces of data. It is fascinating to take note of that while there is a limited ability to recall pieces of data, how much pieces in every one of those lumps can shift broadly (Miller, 1956). Anyway it’s anything but a straightforward instance of having the memorable option huge pieces right away, fairly that as each piece turns out to be more natural, it tends to be acclimatized into a lump, which is then recalled itself. Recoding is the cycle by which individual pieces are ‘recoded’ and relegated to lumps.

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