How the media influence adolescent behavior




How does the media influence adolescent behavior?


Sample Solution

Media messages can have a negative or unhealthy influence on pre-teen and teenage behavior and attitudes in certain areas, including self-image, body image, health and citizenship. Your child`s self-image and body image can be influenced by social media, other media and advertising. For example, if your child regularly sees staged and filtered images on social media, they might feel they are not good enough. Pre-teen and teenagers can also pick up important health promotion messages from social media and other media. This might include messages aimed at preventing youth depression and suicide, promoting positive, respectful relationships, or encouraging healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

The establishment of chance based management in congruity with the Basel Center Standards to screen shortcomings and re-capitalisation has added to the strength of the framework. The business is all around promoted with normal capital ampleness proportion of 18% somewhere in the range of 2010 and 2015 altogether over the 10% prudential and legal necessity.

Despite the steps chalked by the Ghanaian financial area, banking entrance actually comes up short. Bawumia (2010) exposed the unbanked populace as 70% and Wampah (2014) unveiled the unbanked populace proportion as surpassing 80% with banking tasks to a great extent urbanized. Strategising to rope in a greater amount of the unbanked people is likewise tested by the low monetary education rate. The somewhat low saturation of banks to the rustic regions suggests a huge unexploited section to prepare stores and increase the productivity of the framework.

Ackah and Asiamah (2014) reported that the significant expense of credit, high loaning rate and low credit accessibility to the confidential area have beset the area. Loaning rate found the middle value of 28.51% from 2005 to 2016 having achieved the most elevated of 42.84% in August 2016 and least of 21.24% in Walk 2008. Exorbitant financing cost spreads found the middle value of 23.01% somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2014 when contrasted with a sub-Saharan normal of 8.57% in 2012 (Adoah, 2015; Garr and Kyereboah, 2013; Mansah and Abor, 2013; Ghanaian banks are tested with adjusting risk the board and development. Absence of designs to discover veracity of ID and record of borrowers opens the business to misrepresentation. The arrangement to accumulate definite client data after opening of records has not done the trick in thwarting financial misrepresentation. Boateng, Boateng and Acquah (2014) affirmed yearly misfortune to bank misrepresentation run into a great many Ghana cedis.

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The foundation of unfamiliar claimed banks into Ghanaian saving money with the essential to bring into Ghana 60% of beginning capital in unfamiliar convertible cash makes the stage for infusion of

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