In an 1,000-1,250 words, provide the following:
Describe the demographics of the town of Wenden, considering the perceived versus actual threats highlighted by the demographics.
Describe the nature of the problem in the town.
Write an assessment of the two alternatives using a set of criteria that is used for screening and planning decisions, identified by the acronym STAPLE (E): social, technical, administrative, political, legal, economic, and environmental.
What are the cost benefits of the two alternatives?
Provide an alternative solution of your own for La Paz County board of supervisors to consider. What are the cost benefits of your proposed solution?
Perceived Threats:
Actual Threats:
Based on the perceived and actual threats, the primary problems facing Wenden likely include:
Alternative 1: Invest in Infrastructure Development
Alternative 2: Promote Tourism and Recreation
The cost-benefits of each alternative will depend on specific factors such as the availability of resources, community preferences, and potential economic impacts. A thorough cost-benefit analysis should consider both short-term and long-term costs and benefits.
Alternative Solution: Community Garden and Food Bank
This alternative offers a relatively low-cost solution that can address multiple needs, including food security, health, and community engagement. It can be implemented in partnership with local organizations and volunteers, leveraging existing resources and minimizing costs.