Russia’s economic environment



” What are the most current economic indicators for the assigned country that clearly demonstrate that whether or not this country is on a consistent growth path and that this will play an important role in the 21st century world economy? (4-6 pages) Important: Pay attention to: 1.the year- to- year GDP growth rate for the last 10 years in the targeted country. Compare with – the world’s GDP annual growth ( year to year), -with the GDP annual growth in the USA ( for the last 10 years) and – the GDP annual growth in every country in BRICS (not BRIC).


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“High Plains Drifter” a Film by Clint Eastwood Essay (Movie Review)

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High Plains Drifter is a film coordinated by and featuring Clint Eastwood. The film was delivered in 1973 and was broadly acclaimed by pundits, as it presents an intriguing turn on a conventional Western story.

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The film opens with a more bizarre coming into a modest community. All through the initial scenes, he is seen as a hazardous “other”, a possible danger, as individuals are unconscious of his expectations. Be that as it may, incidentally, individuals are not terrified of him; they are more frightened of the bandits working in the town. The more peculiar executes three of them, hence turning into the town’s guardian angel and quickly changing individuals’ impression of him.

Despite the fact that he doesn’t go about as an altruistic character – for example, following executing the gangsters he hauls a lady into an outbuilding to assault her – individuals keep on admiring him all through the initial segment of the film. As more gangsters are going to be let out of jail, the town needs a defender, and the outsider has aptitudes that would settle on him an astounding decision for one. In return for his assistance, the sheriff offers him a “free hand” in the town and can get anything he needs (High Plains Drifter).

The outsider rapidly assumes responsibility for the town, acting in manners that individuals find rude and hasty. In any case, the town endures him because of his guarantee of taking care of the fugitives who are going to return. The strain ascends as the men of the town plot to slaughter the outsider to take the control back; nonetheless, he endures, executing them and the three criminals towards the finish of the film. In the last scene, incidentally, the outsider is the phantom of the town marshal Jim Duncan, who was murdered by the three criminals while the individuals of the town viewed. In the wake of getting his vengeance, his spirit can now “find happiness in the hereafter,” as his headstone says (High Plains Drifter).

There are three key themes investigated in the film. To start with, the film is focused on viciousness and vengeance. Basically, the homicide of the marshal has established the framework for the story, carrying the outsider to the town. As the story started with viciousness, the best way to end it is with a battle, which is the reason the more bizarre goes to the town looking for vengeance. Another significant point is the battle for power. As they continued looking for a hero, the individuals of the town were frantic to get help, which is the reason they draw the outsider into tolerating their proposal by offering him all he needs and satisfying the entirety of his solicitations.

Nonetheless, as the outsider sets up himself as the most impressive figure around, they start battling for power, plotting to slaughter him to restore their situations in the progressive system. At last, one of the focal subjects of the film is otherworldliness. All through the film, characters see flashbacks of the marshal’s homicide that was submitted by the three criminals who are going to return. The principal individual to see the flashback is the fundamental character, which proposes that he is associated with the marshal.

As he leaves the town in the wake of executing the three fugitives, he leaves by Mordecai setting behind a headstone on the marshal’s grave. As a byproduct of Mordecai’s announcement “I never knew your name,” the more interesting answers “truly, you do” and leaves as the camera focuses in on the name of the marshal, cut into the headstone (High Plains Drifter). Despite the fact that it isn’t unequivocally expressed in the film, unmistakably the outsider was the marshal’s phantom looking for retaliation that would empower him to find happiness in the hereafter.

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Generally speaking, in High Plains Drifter, Eastwood figured out how to consolidate the class of Western and secret to make a convincing and energizing story. The film investigates significant subjects of savagery, force, and retaliation, carrying the story to a smooth conclusion by rebuffing the fugitives and permitting the spirit of their casualty to find happiness in the hereafter, along these lines reestablishing equity.

Work Cited

High Plains Drifter. Coordinated by Cling Eastwood, exhibitions by Clint Eastwood, Verna Bloom, and Marianna Hill, Universal Pictures, 1973.


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