Use this post to discuss the role of emotional intelligence in teams. What role does the leader have in
developing the emotional intelligence of a team and its individual members? How does team EQ impact the
leader’s role in creating effective influence and network strategies?
Use the Capella library to read the following:
Detert, J. R., & Burris, E. R. (2016). Can your employees really speak freely?. Harvard Business Review, 94(1),
Ibarra, H., & Hunter, M. L. (2007). How leaders create and use networks. Harvard Business Review, 85(1), 40–
Huxtable-Thomas, L., Hannon, P. D., & Thomas, S. W. (2016). An investigation into the role of emotion in
leadership development for entrepreneurs: A four interface model. International Journal of Entrepreneurial
Behavior & Research, 22(4), 510–530.
Rogers, D. L. (2011). The network is your customer: Five strategies to thrive in a digital age. Cambridge, MA:
Yale University Press.
Pages 219–276.
Ovans, A. (2015, April 28). How emotional intelligence became a key leadership skill. Harvard Business
Review Digital Articles, 2–5.
Use the Internet to view or read the following:
Global Knowledge Training. (Producer). (2014). The power of influence in the workplace [Video] | Transcript.
Retrieved from
Harrison, A. (2016). Exploring millennial leadership development: A rapid evidence assessment of information
communication technology and reverse mentoring competencies. Retrieved from
MindTools. (n.d.). Emotional intelligence in leadership: Learning how to be more aware. Retrieved from
Harvard Extension School. (n.d.). Want to be a stronger leader? Challenge your assumptions [Blog post].
Retrieved from
SkillsYouNeed. (n.d.). Emotional intelligence. Retrieved from
Dementia in the elderly
Dementia is a group of conditions characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions, such as memory loss and judgment. Dementia is caused by damage to or loss of nerve cells and their connections in the brain. Depending on the area of the brain that is affected by the damage, dementia can affect people differently and cause different symptoms. As many as 7% of adults aged 60 and older suffer from dementia. Along with problems with memory, language, and decision-making abilities, dementia can cause other symptoms, including changes in mood, such as increased irritability, depression, and anxiety. Major causes of dementia in the elderly is Alzheimer’s disease, vascular cognitive impairment, frontotemporal dementia among others. Although some dementia may be impossible to prevent, progress has been made in identifying brain-healthy lifestyle factors that can delay brain cell destruction related to cerebrovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease among other dementia-producing disorders.
Hip bounce has created itself as the years progressed. To be sure, to truly comprehend in which setting the hip-jump’s way of life was conceived, it is important to know, the unstable monetary and social circumstance of the Afro-American and Latin American classes in New York City. While after the Second World War, the areas, for example, Harlem, Brooklyn or the Bronx speak to the expectation for the African-American, Puerto Rican, Irish, Italian and Jewish families, during the 60s, the modern employments leave the regions to amass in the north rural areas. Whites follow and the estimation of the land breakdown. The land theorists like to shave their old structures instead of to reestablishing them. In 1989, we can say that hip-bounce moved on from its modest, exciting sources as inventive gathering music in the Bronx in the late 1970s. As individuals know, hip-jump began as a stage for African-American youth to voice their disappointment and to fell free. This year wasn’t generally the year where hip-jump began shinning; it was still observed as a kind of underground and came up short on the huge pop beginnings of sorts like R&B or rock.
The indistinguishable developments structure and are quelled: murder of Martin Luther King in April, 1968, and of Malcolm X. The people group of huge urban communities, specifically New York, pull back on themselves in ghettos where posses take an increasingly more checked social significance. The frailty, the wrongdoing and the medication are then a piece of the regular day to day existence.
In the areas of Harlem, Brooklyn and of Bronx, it is the fervor, despite the incapability, even constants brutalities of law authorization, the uproars are visit and the savagery is ubiquitous in these New Yorker ghettos.
From 1970, each house’s road of each ghetto has its own group which shields itself from vendors and from different packs; crises and even the police don’t set out to wander into these rural areas where the disorder rules and where just these savage groups set some hard boundaries.
Later on, Young African Americans and Puerto Ricans associated unlawfully their sound systems on the civil streetlights. The gathering started. Taking vinyl records for allotments, two platinum’s, blending work area and speaker as instruments.
Around then, a foreigner circle racer from Jamaica, Kool Herc, is gradually having a notoriety in the Bronx because of the “break moves”.
These musical clasps become the genuine representations of opportunity. Another melodic sexual orientation pulled by the funk, by the disco, by the stone, by the jazz, by the afro beat or by the reggae permits new types of gymnastic move, which we will call breakd