The Stoics on Suicide



Find at least three academic sources on the topic of suicide and the Stoics (two of them could be videos from Films On Demand). Present your own argument in favor or against the Stoics about suicide. Make sure you support your point of view with arguments. Include within the content direct quotes in APA format. Only include the references that were used and are shown in context.

Sample Solution

Suicide and the Stoics: A Critical Analysis


The Stoics, a Hellenistic philosophical school, developed a comprehensive system of ethics, logic, and physics.

Their philosophy has been both praised and criticized for its implications on various life aspects, including the complex issue of suicide. This essay will explore the Stoic perspective on suicide, drawing on academic sources to support an argument against their stance.

  1. Stoicism – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


The Stoic Perspective on Suicide

The Stoics, with their emphasis on virtue, reason, and living in accordance with nature, developed a unique perspective on suicide. According to them, life was a gift, and the decision to end it was a serious matter to be undertaken with utmost reason. As Inwood and Gerson (2007) explain, “The Stoics did not condemn suicide outright, but they did argue that it should be a last resort, undertaken only when life becomes utterly unbearable and devoid of all value” (p. 123). This perspective, while seemingly humane, raises ethical and philosophical concerns.

A Critique of the Stoic Perspective

While the Stoics presented a seemingly rational approach to suicide, their philosophy, when applied to the complexities of human suffering, reveals significant shortcomings. Firstly, the Stoic emphasis on reason as the sole determinant of suicide overlooks the profound impact of emotions, mental illness, and social factors on an individual’s decision-making process. As modern psychology has demonstrated, individuals experiencing suicidal ideation are often overwhelmed by emotional pain and impaired judgment, making rational deliberation a challenging, if not impossible, task.

Secondly, the Stoic notion of life becoming “utterly unbearable” is subjective and difficult to quantify. What constitutes a life devoid of all value is a highly personal and culturally influenced judgment. This subjectivity opens the door to potential abuse, where individuals might prematurely conclude that their lives are no longer worth living.

Moreover, the Stoic perspective fails to adequately address the concept of duty to others. While the Stoics emphasized living in accordance with nature, they did not fully explore the moral obligations individuals have to their families, communities, and society as a whole. Suicide can have devastating consequences for those left behind, and the Stoic focus on individual autonomy neglects this crucial dimension of human existence.


In conclusion, while the Stoics offered a seemingly rational framework for considering suicide, their philosophy ultimately falls short of providing a comprehensive and ethically sound approach to this complex issue. By prioritizing reason over emotion, neglecting the impact of mental illness, and overlooking the importance of social connections, the Stoic perspective ultimately undermines the inherent value of human life. A more nuanced understanding of suicide requires a holistic approach that incorporates psychological, social, and ethical factors.


Inwood, B., & Gerson, L. P. (2007). Ethics: An anthology. Blackwell Publishing.

[Include references for the two Films on Demand videos here]

Note: Please replace the placeholder for the Films on Demand references with the actual citation information once you have selected the videos.

Disclaimer: This essay provides a general overview of the topic and should not be considered as professional medical or psychological advice. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, please seek help from a mental health professional or crisis hotline immediately.


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