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Custom Essay

Writing an essay is one of the most complicated and demanding forms of academic writing. It is not only highly regulated by a number of rules, but also keen on grammar and professionalism. An essay follows a given structure, which tutors mark very keenly, but unfortunately this is too involving for most students. A custom essay is developed from a given topic or question, and can take various forms including Narrative Essay, Descriptive Essay, Expository Essay, Persuasive Essay, Compare & Contrast Essay, Personal Experience Essay, Reflective Essay, Observation essay, argumentative essay and Literature Essay. Generally, an essay adopts the format of an introduction, body and conclusion, and each part has its own set of specificities.

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An introduction answers certain questions that your reader will want to know in simple and clear terms:

  • What is the subject of the essay (context)

  • why is this topic significant (rationale)

  • what is your position (thesis statement)

  • what are your main arguments? Or, in which direction will this essay go? (essay map)

The first two or three sentences should be direct, focused, and converge on to the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the most important sentence in the introduction. It makes a claim that is thought-provoking and open to argument. Take your time to formulate your thesis. It not only tells your reader what to expect; it also provides a plan for your essay.


This is the largest and the most important part of an essay, where the main question is addressed. It must be developed chronologically based on the subject matter, and being guided by the outline given in the introduction. In order to come up with a proper and well-organized body, it is imperative that you develop a paper outline so that you are aware of what you need to cover.

In the body:

  • Arrange your paragraphs according to the points you will address

  • Each point to occupy a paragraph

  • Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, evidence, and conclusion

  • You must have a number of citations in each paragraph, which must ONLY fall under the evidence part of the paragraph

  • Your paragraph must be chronologically arranged, as guided by your outline, and introduction

Important to note is that each paragraph is also organized into introduction, body, and conclusion as shown below:

Paragraph Dichotomy

  • Introduction /Topic Sentence – this is the sentence that gives the main point of the para, as directed by the thesis statement/ content /roadmap.

  • Body/evidence – this is where you go the literature to support your point. Also, this part needs sufficient citations, since you’re borrowing from literature.

  • Conclusion - this is a closing remark on the discussion fronted in the para. It should not be cited. This sentence is also very crucial as it must clearly contain a smooth transition from its current para, to the next.



This is the final part of the essay that contains a summation of the discussion presented in the body. It is purely from the author’s personal thoughts, as it lists the major points discussed in the essay body, and so, does not require citations. One must be sure to restate the thesis statement mentioned in the introduction, and then give a parting shot or a closing remark. In summary, the Conclusion should:

  • Restate your thesis –in light of the above discussion, it is apparent that euthanasia should not be legalized since…..

  • Summarize key points

  • Take a final stand

  • Don’t introduce new ideas

  • No citation

  • Close the discussion – parting shot


The references/bibliography list is the very last part of the paper, and includes a comprehensive list of the references you ha cited in your paper. There are a number of citation formats recommended, and your tutor will always specify the one that should be used, or the university will always have a preferred one. They include:

  • APA

  • MLA

  • Harvard

  • Chicago

  • Oxford

Points to note:

  • Sources must not be older than 5 years – unless the paper Is historical

  • All sources in the references page must be cited intext

  • They must be arranged alphabetically

  • They must be peer-reviewed

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  • Topic of paper
  • The type of document, e.g essay, research paper, dissertation etc
  • Subject area, e.g. English, philosophy, nursing etc.
  • Number of pages
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  • Paper instructions, such as assignment brief, referencing style, etc.
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