Creating a pitch for funding






Create a pitch for funding. In this pitch, you will have to convince senior management to greenlight the new product or service. Aspects of the pitch that must be addressed:

Value proposition: Describe the company’s current value proposition in the market.
Describe the selected company’s main product or service.
Discuss the company’s overall strategic plan.
Competitive advantage: Describe the competitive advantage the company will gain by funding the project.
Describe how you discovered an opportunity to do something better than your competitors.
Determine how the new product or service shifts the value proposition of the company.
Risks and opportunities: Establish the risks and growth opportunities of the company.
Determine if the new product or service could disrupt the current industry.
Identify the risks associated with the development of this new product or service.
Growth opportunities: Describe the areas of potential growth for the company.
Identify the growth opportunities within the company.
Explain how the competitive advantage allows for growth.
Distinguish as a new product or innovation: Distinguish the new product/service as an innovation or improvement on an existing product/service.
Determine if the product or service fits within the capabilities of the company.
Note: a company’s SWOT analysis or 10-K is an indicator of whether the new product or service could be feasible.
Explain how the new product or service adds to the portfolio of the company.
Target segment: Describe the targeted segment.
Identify the target customer.
Explain your blue ocean strategy.

Sample Solution

Our company, [Company], is dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible product or service. We have built a reputation for creating innovative solutions that are tailored to fit the needs of our clients. Our goal is to provide them with cutting-edge technology and top-notch customer service that offer real value for their investments in us.

We are proud to present [Product or Service] as our newest offering. This product or service provides an invaluable solution for businesses operating in [Industry/Field]. With this powerful tool, companies can increase efficiency, simplify processes, and improve overall performance in their respective fields.

[Product or Service] solves many of the challenges posed by current industry standards and practices, such as rising labor costs and inadequate technology features. By implementing this latest advancement in automation technology, businesses can cut costs while still maintaining high standards of quality control. Additionally, it offers enhanced security measures that protect critical data from theft or exploitation by malicious actors.

The greatest benefit of using [Product or Service] lies in its scalability; it can be easily tailored according to the size and scope of any project, allowing users to customize its features without sacrificing speed or accuracy. Thanks to intuitive design elements and streamlined navigation abilities, even first-time users will find it simple yet effective when managing large amounts of information at once.

Finally, we offer comprehensive technical support options along with maintenance services designed specifically around our products and services – ensuring you get the most out your investment into us every step of the way. We understand how important trust is when dealing with digital products – which is why we put extra care into making sure everything runs smoothly without fail! With [Product/Service], you’re getting a reliable solution backed up by friendly customer service agents who are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for all your troubleshooting needs.


Are the Rules of Golf infringing upon Antitrust Law?


Today, the two administrative bodies for golf, the United States Golf Association (USGA) and the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (R&A) set up the specialized particulars for golf gear. In reality every single real game would have some administrative body undertaking a similar movement. The reason for this paper is to examine the degree to which American antitrust standards will impact the use of Australian antitrust (or rivalry law) groups to the Rules of Golf. In Australia, the standards proclaimed by the administrative bodies are received through its national affiliation, Golf Australia, upon an appointment from the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews. The issues explicitly raised are whether guideline of golf hardware inappropriately avoids inventive items from achieving the commercial center (ss45/4D of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Aus) – with this arrangement to some degree comparable to §1 of the Sherman Act 1890 (US)), and second, regardless of whether the golf controllers are unreasonably practicing business sector control (s46 Trade Practices Act 1974 (Aus) – this area extensively parallels §2 of the Sherman Act 1890 (US)). With precedential case law exuding from the United States, it is conceivable, if not likely, that a producer (be they Australian or universal) may look to the Australian courts as a medium by which their imaginative and notable item can achieve the hands of ardent golfers. This article looks at the United States suit and applies it to the previously mentioned challenge law standards. It has specific significance to a United States crowd given that American makers command the retail advertise for golf clubs in Australia. A system will be displayed against which wearing gear controllers can test the legitimacy of their principles in regards to hardware confinements. While golf will be the foundation for this investigate, the examination is similarly significant for any game (if not all), which contain such constraints.


There is no questioning the significance of game to the human mind. From an Australian point of view it is an intrinsic piece of the Australian persona, created as a major aspect of our way of life. Regardless of whether it is our riches, climate, accessibility of land or some other reason, numerous Australians take an interest in any number of open air and indoor recreational interests that come extremely close to sports. As a standout amongst the most unmistakable exercises, golf possesses a particular specialty in the Australian people group. With roughly 1.139ml (or 8% of the populace) playing, the related work of 20,000 individuals, club incomes of $1.1bn, 30ml rounds played every year, something like 20 male players on the United States Professional Tour and the number nine positioned female player on the planet (Karrie Webb), Australia is legitimately situated as the universes number two hitting the fairway country, behind just the United States of America.

In any case, for each golfer disappointed with a short diversion that starts off the tee, a putter that awkwardly howls at effect, or a ball that doesn’t regard the cutting edge mantra of mental representation, a waiting inquiry stays, to what degree do the innovation limitations forced by the controllers of golf really ensure the major qualities that lie behind the amusement? Maybe more explicitly, do the contemporary advancements, for example, the conformance test for the ‘spring-like’ impact off clubheads, or the constraints on the separation that a ball can make a trip serve to secure the ability dimension of the amusement, or just confine rivalry among imaginative makers while in the meantime irritating the army of players in the diversion. Has convention been protected to the detriment of advancement? Advancement and development in brandishing gear is about advancement, (if not in the public eye), and on an oversimplified dimension confinements anticipate rivalry among organizations who must make to pitch their item to the shopper. Subject to typical use, golf clubs will keep going for a long time if not decades. To buy new gear, the golfer should be persuaded that the most recent creation, (for example, the redirection of the weight in the leader of the club; the upgrading of the geometry of the dimples on the golf ball, or the flexibility of the pole), will see that golfer draw intangibly nearer to the idealistic perfect of swing flawlessness. Be that as it may, the inquiry remains – in what manner can an ordinary challenge law investigation permit brandishing heads the chance to draw in the diversion and its members with its crucial qualities, or sports (as a basic piece of Australian culture) essentially need to repair its approach to fit inside the challenge law goals proclaimed and advanced by administrations all things considered.

US Litigation

The beginning for present day suit has been the United States of America. In a hitting the fairway setting, two cases drastically feature the antitrust ramifications of the Rules of Golf:

Weight-Rite Golf Corp v United States Golf Association and Gilder v PGA Tour Inc.

Weight-Rite Golf Corp v United States Golf Association concerned an activity brought by a producer and merchant of (in addition to other things) a specific golf shoe.

The offended party had structured a golf shoe to advance solidness and fitting weight transference in the swing. The USGA issued an assurance prohibiting the shoe claiming that it didn’t fit in with the USGA’s Rules of Golf. In any case, Weight Rite contended that the USGA assurance added up to a gathering blacklist or purposeful refusal to bargain. In the United States, this is in essence unlawful under the Sherman Act (in Australia this would be as such illicit under s45 of the Trade Practices Act 1973), no decreasing of rivalry need be built up. As confirmed by the Court these sorts of practices are:

“understandings or practices which due to their malevolent impact on rivalry and absence of any reclaiming prudence are indisputably dared to be irrational and along these lines unlawful without expound request with regards to the exact mischief they have caused or the business pardon for their utilization”.

Notwithstanding, furthermore, Weight Rite presented that regardless of whether the essentially rule was not material, the USGA’s activity damaged the standard of reason, that is, its activities diminished challenge.

Weight Rite was ineffective. The USGA had not abused any procedural reasonableness prerequisites nor had a nonsensical limitation of exchange happened. The court found that the USGA had a built up strategy for the confirmation of new hardware, whereby golf gear makers may, preceding promoting an item, acquire a decision from the USGA with respect to whether the item adjusts to the Rules of Golf. Given that Weight Rite had not profited itself of this system, in spite of notice to do as such from the USGA, injunctive alleviation was not accessible to the offended party.

Gilder v PGA Tour Inc

Gilder v PGA Tour Inc worried, at the time, the most prevalent selling golf club on the planet, the ‘Ping Eye 2’. This club was created following a correction in 1984 whereby the United States Golf Association had allowed the assembling of clubs containing grooves that were in the state of a U (instead of a V) – this standard change coming about in light of specialized upgrades in the manner in which clubs were fabricated, as opposed to producers looking to pick up an imaginative progression to their clubs. This stood out from before clubs where the sections were all the state of a V-a diagrammatic portrayal from Figure XI of the present principles of golf appeared as follows.

In 1985 various players whined that the U-grooves had cheapened the ability of the diversion. The particular charge was that U-grooves granted more turn on the golf ball, especially when hitting from the unpleasant. The USGA led further tests and while they thought about that more turn was added to the golf ball by the U-grooves, insufficient data was accessible to boycott clubs with this sort of face design. Notwithstanding, the USGA amended how it would gauge the spaces between the furrows (the purported section to arrive proportion) and this had the impact of forbidding the ‘Ping-Eye 2’ – with this standard applying to all USGA competitions from 1990.

Gilder and seven different experts, financed by the maker of the ‘Ping-Eye 2’ (Karsten Manufacturing Corporation), started procedures against the PGA (the regulatory body for expert golf competitions in the United States of America) for receiving the standard that prompted the forbidding of the club. They affirmed that the activities of the PGA and its executives disregarded §1 and §2 of the Sherman Act and Arizona antitrust laws.

To help its case, Karsten displayed, in the United States Court of Appeal, monetary proof that there had been no negative effect for the PGA Tour by experts utilizing the ‘Ping-Eye 2.’ This incorporated a quantitative report that the level of cash won by players utilizing the golf club was not exactly the level of players not utilizing the club. Moreover, there was no confirmation that Ping golf clubs prompted a more noteworthy number of players getting their balls to the green in under guideline.

The proof of the experts was not surprisingly – that changing clubs would unfavorably hurt their diversion, with this affecting on prize cash won and underwriting salary. On the other hand, the PGA thought about that accomplishment for Karsten would unsalvageably harm its remaining as the overseeing body. On the off chance that their notoriety were reduced, it would then experience issues figuring rules for the lead of competitions under its control. Be that as it may, the Court in contrasting the damage finished with the maker and the player, as against the PGA Tour found for the producer. The harm done to the renown and notoriety of the PGA failed to measure up with the money related damage to the players and Karsten. A directive was allowed keeping the boycott of the club proceeding and in light of this, bot

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