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Imagine that you’re a member of the White house task Force to protect Students from Sexual assault. You’re proud of the report Not Alone, which received wide publicity and positive responses from universities. Now you want to create a powerpoint report for easier reading, and you start with the executive summary page. See the full report at https://www.notalone. gov/assets/report.pdf and the current executive summary in the Reference Manual, section B. >>> Process 1. Who is your audience for the report? 2. What is most important for your audience to know? how will you summarize the 23-page report (which currently includes a four-page executive summary) into just one page? Describe your strategy for identifying main points. 3. although the page will be mostly text, what graphical elements can you use to add visual interest and make it easier to read? Consider simple approaches, such as boxes, fonts, bullets, and colors. >>> Product Create your one-page executive summary using powerpoint or another presentation software.

Sample Solution

Executive Summary

Report to the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault

November 9, 2023


This executive summary is intended for the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, as well as other policymakers, educators, and advocates who are working to prevent and respond to sexual assault on college campuses.

Key Messages

  • Sexual assault is a serious problem on college campuses. One in five women and one in 16 men will experience sexual assault during their undergraduate career.
  • Students of color, LGBTQ+ students, and students with disabilities are at an increased risk of sexual assault.
  • The vast majority of sexual assaults on college campuses go unreported.
  • Colleges and universities need to do more to prevent sexual assault and to support victims of sexual assault.

Summary of the Report

The full report, Not Alone, provides a comprehensive overview of the problem of sexual assault on college campuses. It includes data on the prevalence of sexual assault, as well as information on the risk factors for sexual assault and the consequences for victims. The report also discusses the challenges that colleges and universities face in preventing and responding to sexual assault, and it provides recommendations for how to improve campus safety.

Identifying Main Points

To summarize the 23-page report into one page, I focused on the following key points:

  • The prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses
  • The risk factors for sexual assault
  • The consequences of sexual assault for victims
  • The challenges that colleges and universities face in preventing and responding to sexual assault
  • Recommendations for improving campus safety

Graphical Elements

To add visual interest and make the executive summary easier to read, I used a variety of graphical elements, including:

  • Bulleted lists: I used bulleted lists to highlight the key points of the report.
  • Charts: I used charts to illustrate the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses and the risk factors for sexual assault.
  • Images: I used images of college students to make the report more relatable to the audience.


The full report includes a number of recommendations for how to improve campus safety and prevent and respond to sexual assault. Some of the key recommendations include:

  • Requiring colleges and universities to adopt comprehensive sexual assault prevention and response programs.
  • Increasing funding for campus sexual assault prevention and response programs.
  • Improving the training of campus staff and faculty on sexual assault prevention and response.
  • Creating more supportive and inclusive campus environments for all students.


Sexual assault is a serious problem on college campuses, but it is a problem that can be solved. By working together, we can create safer campuses for all students.

PowerPoint Presentation

In addition to the written executive summary, I also created a PowerPoint presentation to summarize the key findings and recommendations of the report. The presentation includes a variety of graphical elements, including charts, images, and bulleted lists. The presentation is designed to be easy to understand and to engage the audience.

I hope that this executive summary and PowerPoint presentation will be helpful to the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault and to others who are working to prevent and respond to sexual assault on college campuses.

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