Critically evaluate the 5 stage consumer behavior model by Engel, Blackwell and Kollat (1968) which was updated in 1978.
Sample Solution
5 stage consumer behavior model by Engel, Blackwell and Kollat
We always make decisions even when we aren’t aware of them. Purchase decisions are similar. Some are made quickly, without much thought, while others can take weeks or months of research and deliberation to decide. In 1968, researchers Engel, Blackwell, and Kollat developed a five-step model of the consumer buying decision process (known as the Engel-Blackwell-Kollat or EBK model), and that model is still useful for marketers today. They include: 1. Problem recognition. The first step of the buying is that the consumer recognizes a problem which needs to be solved, or a need which needs to be satisfied. 2. Information search. A consumer will want to be very thorough in her search and seek out information regarding features, pricing, and ease of use. 3. Alternative evaluation. Most consumers have a list of criteria that the solution must meet. 4. Purchase. 5. Post-purchase.
he pain and damage of losing a child to a sexual predator is tremendous and non-reversible. Even if the child survives, he or she will be traumatized for a long time and maybe forever. The victims may not be able to enjoy a normal happy life ever again. This could be all avoided with following simple instructions on both parents and children sides and practicing caution when interacting on-line.
In conclusion, everyone knows parenting is and has always been an incredibly demanding task. Being a parent is one of the most difficult jobs yet so rewarding because parents love and care about their children unconditionally. The horrible news and disappointing statistic regarding the atrocious incidents that happen to children who fall victim to on-line villains are drastic enough to make any good parent determined to take action to stop such incidents from happening. With the rapid rate of the technology growth in recent years, there are new risks and dangers emerging and facing children even if they are at safety of their homes doing homework on the computer, but the situation is not hopeless. There are ways to put parents’ minds on ease. Parents should know they are not alone when it comes to the surge of overwhelming on-line anxiety pressure as there is help available. By being active learners, participants, nurturers, teachers, and skilled communicators; parents should have less to worry when it comes to their children safety and protection on-line.