Social Media in Business


You are going to apply what you learned from the materials and identify example content ideas for your four organizations that were approved during week one:
• B2C company
• B2B company
• Non-Profit organization
• Government organization
For each of the organizations you will think of three different content ideas where for each content idea, you will provide:
• Business purpose (the reason the business would create the content; and yes, you can use one that you provided in the assignment from week two.)
• Audience intent (the reason for the content)
• Content type (there are plenty of examples in your class materials; but you are not limited to these)
• Short description of the content (explain the subject matter/topic of the content type; 2-4 sentences)

Sample Solution

Social media is a type of online communication that allows you to communicate with customers and share information in real time. This can assist you in better reaching out to your clients, forming online networks, and selling and promoting your products and services. When using social media for business, it’s easy to get carried away. Before you begin, it’s a good idea to walk carefully and consider both the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of social media for business You can use social media to communicate with your consumers and learn what others are saying about your company. Social media can also be used for advertising, promotional freebies, and mobile apps.

s of the people involved in the organization, Lush does an excellent job of creating an environment for employee satisfaction. Consequently, customers tend to have high regard for in-store experiences. Furthermore, the Lush company’s motto is “Happy People, Happy Soap” (Lush, 2018). As a result, the organization has built all of their operations and goals around the idea of both being happy and improving the lives of others around them. The organization most definitely has developed the commitment and satisfaction of employees into a core competency. Furthermore, a lower turnover rate allows the organization to better develop employees, save money on recruitment costs, and improve customer satisfaction (Zuber, 1997).

Understanding the Lush SWOT Analysis

In terms of a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis (SWOT) (Figure 1), Lush appears to be in a both complex and opportunistic position. Some noted strengths the organization has includes products, brand ambassadors, sustainability, and its handmade concept (Lush, 2018), (Saltzman, 2018). Weaknesses impacting the Lush company includes high retailing costs and low sale volumes (Trotter, 2017). Opportunities for the brand are the growing organic movement and fear of harmful chemicals in products (Lush, 2018). Growing threats to the organization are competition and brand loyalty (Loeb, 2017). All of these factors will definitely play a role in the development of the Lush company in the near future.

The Lush company’s strengths of products, brand ambassadors, sustainability, and handmade products most definitely have placed it in a leadership position in the industry. To begin, Lush’s products offered are unlike any other in the industry (Jones & Manktelow, 2017). As a result, there is no direct competition in terms of product alternatives. Another strength the organization has is its vast numbers of brand ambassadors through organic marketing. Because of their strong orientation to social media and use of younger individuals in terms of advertising, they have successfully grown their market share while spending nothing on advertising (Jones & Manktelow, 2017). Estée Lauder, one of Lush’s competitors, spent 965 million USD on advertising in 2017 (Statistica, 2018). As a result, Lush has quite the comparative advantage in terms of advertising costs resulting from organic marketing. Sustainability is a growing concern for younger generations. Specifically, as generation Z begins to get more involved in the consumer space, they are beginning to ask more of businesses in terms of sustainable operations (Sulima, 2018). Lush is doing an excellent job of taking advantage throu

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