Involvement of citizens in social, political, and economic processes.




Match the following theoretical functions of communities from chapter 13 with their respective descriptions.
Part 2: After matching, address the following prompts (a & b) on page 2.
Theoretical Function of Communities (Warren, 1983)
1. Production-distribution-consumption
2. Socialization
3. Social control
4. Social participation
5. Mutual support

_____ A. Concerns the involvement of citizens in social, political, and economic processes.



_____ B. Relates to “local participation in the process of producing, distributing, and consuming those goods and services that are a part of daily living and access to which is desirable in the immediate locality” (pp. 28–29).

_____ C. Involves encouragement, assistance, caring, and cooperation among people in communities.

_____ D. Involves “the process through which a group influences the behavior of its members toward conformity with its norms” (p. 29).

_____ E. Concerns a “process by which society or one of its constituent social units transmits prevailing knowledge, social values, and behavior patterns to its members” (p. 29).

2. After matching, answer and respond to the following:
a. What concepts in the definitions characterize each function and make that function unique?

b. What are the similarities and differences among the functions?

Sample Solution

genuine way of behaving matches both the expected way of behaving and favored conduct of everything going on the outcome is greatest gathering execution and fulfillment. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that the gathering are not performing and accomplishing objectives or are not fulfilled or both, then, at that point, the pioneer can revise their genuine way of behaving to work on this. Pioneers ready to screen execution and fulfillment, and grasp what is expected to change going on will accomplish ideal gathering execution in Chelladurai’s model. The one limit of Chealldurai’s model is that it expects the pioneer is in a place of complete positional control over the gathering, and can execute any administration style fitting their personal preference without imperatives. Positional power is the power and impact a pioneer has over a gathering, assuming that the pioneer has positional power, they will actually want to carry out the authority style they best see fit for everything going on. Positional power can’t be estimated or measured, making it exceptionally vague and difficult for a pioneer to comprehend whether they have it or how then can acquire it. It turns into the obligation of the association to have approaches set up to furnish pioneers with some positional power, typically by laying out a reasonable hierarchal construction. By laying out a progressive system, the pioneer is seen by the gathering to have the option to set expectations and expect consistence from them giving the pioneer genuine power (French and Raven, 1959). Furthermore, by giving the pioneer the capacity to compensate consistence and rebuff resistance from the gathering, the pioneer has reward and coercive power (French and Raven, 1959). To acquire total control over the gathering the pioneer should acquire the trust and conviction of the gathering that they are equipped for progress, by guaranteeing the gathering are both fulfilled and meeting execution objectives. The significance of laying out an ordered progression became apparent during the arranging phase of the open air administration course for the red group, the organizers inside the group expected influential positions however couldn’t acquire positional power because of the group being a companion bunch (Pettinger, 2007). The pioneers chose had little power and impact over the gathering as everybody was seen to have similar position, status and occupation, henceforth the pioneers had none of French and Ravens five bases of force (Pettinger, 2007). The outcome was pioneers with no positional control over the gathering, so couldn’t immediate the gathering with the technique for administration expected for the present circumstance. The errand had critical limitations, especially a brief period of time and an enormous gathering size, for everything going on Chelladurai suggests a totalitarian initiative style would be generally positive (Chelladurai and Madella, 2006). The pioneers endeavored an absolutist administration style, setting individual undertakings for the gathering, but because of the unfortunate chief part relations and absence of positional power the authority structure immediately turned into a majority rule government. The item was a very ineffective labor force at first as a result of the time spent examining how was ideal to move toward the assignment. Due to how the pioneers were seen by the gathering there was minimal shared trust, regard or certainty that the pioneers were settling on the right choices, and thus any administration style they attempted to carry out would have been ineffective (Pettinger, 2007). At last, assuming the pioneers had examined their situation and the gathering they would have understood this and picked a more fair methodology at first the gathering would have acquired trust for the pioneers, making future arrangement execution simpler.

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