

Homeostasis is an important requirement for the normal functioning of the body and, ultimately, the organism. Review the content from the unit regarding homeostasis and discuss the following:

In your own words, describe homeostasis.
Discuss the importance of homeostasis.
Give an example of a physiological process in the body regulated or controlled by a homeostatic mechanism. Describe this physiological process.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Sample Solution

Organisms can only function if their internal conditions are kept within a specific range. This is called homeostasis. The endocrine system secretes hormones for homeostasis to occur. Homeostasis maintains optimal conditions for enzyme action throughout the body, as well as all cell functions. It is the maintenance of a constant internal environment despite changes in internal and external conditions. In the human body, these include the control of: blood glucose concentration, body temperature, and water levels. During body temperature regulation, temperature receptors in the skin communicate information to the brain (the control system) which signals the effectors: blood vessels and sweat glands in the skin.

arian theory is based on the belief that a moral decision is based on the outcome of the action, if that action produces the most benefit and maximizes utility for the greater number of people in a population, then it is morally sound (Holland, 2015). Based on this perspective, banning of CEDs would benefit majority of people by leading to a healthier population. Energy drinks being consumed not only negatively impacts the person consuming it, but it also puts a burden on the healthcare system due to the increase in the amount of cases related to CED consumptions in hospitals. Outlawing the sale of CEDs to persons under 16 would minimize the amount of people being hospitalized as a result of consumption of these drinks and therefore, increase the utility of health care systems for everyone. Burden of emergency visits to the hospitals would reduce because according to studies hospitalizations due to energy drink consumption increased by a double between 2007 and 2011 (NCCIH, 2018). Utilitarianism perspective would support the outlawing because this would help in the reduction of hospitalization in Quebec which in turn would increase utility and benefit majority of the people.

Mill’s harm principle believes power can be justly exercised over members of a community even against their will, when it is an act that will prevent harm to others (Holland, 2014). This principle would support the outlawing the consumption of Caffeinated Energy Drinks among persons younger than 16, this is due to the fact that other actions put into place to reduce consumption in the past have not been effective. There have been different measures put in place by the government in other to restrict the way these CEDs are produced and also consumed (NCCIH, 2018). The harm principle would support outlawing of Caffeinated Energy Drinks by Government of Quebec because energy drinks have a lot of side effects which are more dangerous to children and young adults (NCCIH, 2018). Although, these regulations have helped reduce the health impacts that are associated with consumptions of these beverages, outlawing them among persons under 16 years of age would help curtail the harms associated with them among these grou

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