Ethical Identity


You have now begun to think about ethics and its relationship to being a professional. You have completed an activity – “Who’s My Hero: Identifying Influences on Work and Life” – and, also, you have listened (on the Ethicist’s Corner) (Links to an external site.) to Dr. Mary Barlow (Kern County Superintendent of Schools) discuss including ethics in her leadership role in our community and professional life. Use this writing assignment to start to form and discuss your own ethical identity, namely, the view you have of your own ethical commitments as a professional: (1) who has most influenced you in how you approach your work and (2) what are your motivations for pursuing a profession? Finally, (3) regarding your own ethical identity, what kind of professional do you hope to be and what values will guide you as a professional as you enter the professional workforce?

As a basis for reflection regarding ethics and professionalism, be sure to directly reference at least one comment from my conversation with Dr. Mary Barlow in the Ethicist’s Corner Podcast in your writing assignment.

Sample Solution

Race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, and sexual orientation have all received a lot of attention during the past few decades. They demand respect and acknowledgement, sometimes at the sacrifice of other things we hold dear. But how much do “identities” stifle our freedom and ability to live individually, and how much do they foster our uniqueness? Kwame Anthony Appiah, a famous philosopher and expert in African studies, examines these issues in this exquisitely written text by drawing on intellectuals from all around the world and throughout history. Both assertions of individuality are taken seriously by the Ethics of Identity.

m in a shop, which was worth in excess of 5 Shillings, sending undermining letters and, surprisingly, chopping down a tree. All through the ages the death penalty has been an incredibly dubious issue. Some might pressure it is required to act as an illustration to different crooks, as well as to get retaliation in the interest of the casualties in question (Henderson). In 1861, capital punishment was canceled for all wrongdoings aside from murder; high treachery; robbery with brutality; and pyro-crime in the imperial dockyards. On the 29th of May, the Capital Punishment (Amendment) Act came into force finishing public hanging in that capacity, and requiring all future executions to be done inside jails. It what’s more expected that the sheriff or underneath sheriff, the lead representative, the jail doctor and such other prison officials as had been needed must be available.

The Hulk
The masses have been authentic naval force ships, moored close by the banks of the Thames and at ports like Portsmouth and Plymouth. As the jail populace expanded, involving them as gaols not entirely set in stone. Parliament approved their utilization for a two a year length in 1776; they endured to house detainees for 82 years! The circumstances on the boats had been awful, particularly in the good ‘ol days, and some distance more regrettable than in the penitentiaries. The prerequisites of cleanliness have been awful to the point that flare-ups of turmoil unfurl rapidly. Typhoid and cholera were successive and there used to be a high passing charge among the detainees. In the day time the Convicts had been placed to extreme work on the docks or d

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