Social media and Saudis culture

In thinking about the body of literature that you will be exploring in your research, what are some of factors that constrain or encourage male participation and what are some of the factors that constrain or encourage female participation with a) online engagement; b) social media engagement; c) YouTube? In other words, are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender. I ask about the three categories of use because there may be similarities or differences in the usage rates. Do you think that the usage behaviors are impacted by the social or cultural aspects of the context region or country you are studying? Your response should include relevant literature and share the perspectives of authors who write about these topics.

First answer this question-

o Do you think that the usage behaviors (meaning how males and females engage online, on social media, and on youtube) are impacted by the social or cultural aspects of the context region or country you are studying?

Talk about the differences in women using social media in Saudi arabia (such as the limitations, cultural expectations, covering faces, using fake usernames, religious aspects) vs how women in America use social media and the freedom associated with it.

o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with online engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?

o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with social media engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?

o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with YouTube? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?

o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with online engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?

o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with social media engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?

o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with YouTube? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?

o Do you think that the usage behaviors (meaning how males and females engage online, on social media, and on youtube) are impacted by the social or cultural aspects of the context region or country you are studying (which is Saudi Arabia)?

Add section about how women in Saudi Arabia have to use fake names in order to protect their identity because some of them have issues with the government, their families, or other factors that are holding them back. This all has to do with inequality (including the driving issue). – talk about your opinion on this issue. Add some personal experiences (such as a woman you know not being allowed to do something- and for what reason?)

Sample Solution

The reason why we ‘know what we know’, also called epistemology, has fascinated scientists and philosophers of science from Ancient Greek society onwards. First theories of epistemology put more emphasis on absolute, unchangeable factors and character, while later on throughout the scientific revolution its belief changes to a more adaptive and active one. Plato, like his mentor Socrates, used different and completely new methods than his predecessors in order to find answers for concepts such as the nature of reality, man, mind/soul, knowledge, being and becoming. In his work The Republic he employs metaphors and dialectic prose in order to describe his theory of reality (including the world of forms) and his doctrine of Recollection. His later thoughts on epistemology went on to question all of the accepted traditional Greek beliefs on intellectual society. The abstraction in Plato’s philosophy, which was triggered by using his own inquisitive nature connected with the Socratic method, becomes most evident in his allegory of the cave, the doctrine of recollection and his theory of forms. The allegory of the cave suggests several ideas that formed Platonic philosophy. The allegory describes the way that mankind is limited, through perceiving with the help of our senses, and the way humans accept truths by a mere observation or experience rather than being based on logic and reason. The effect of man’s self-shackling, by observation rather than reason, is described in Book VII of The Republic. The philosopher sees humanity as: ‘living in a underground [den] which has its mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and neck chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads’ . Even though Plato does not give a definite explanation or example or reality, he believes that in order to achieve deeper knowledge of reality, that society and man must seek to get rid of our ignorance’s and see the ‘light’. When ignorance is lifted and man has survived the hard path to the sunlight with temperance, patience, and practice; only then will we find the path to true knowledge. Plato believed that until society starts questioning the moral, political and ethical status quo, our conscious as individual and as a society would remain constricted much like the prisoners are in their lives in the cave. But the a

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