Systems Analysis


1. Repeat the example “Calculating the Probability of Exceeding Yield Strength” with the force F assuming the following distributions:

• Normal

• Lognormal

Use the following parameters:

• μ = 11,300 N

• σ = 1, 250 N

2. Run the simulation with 1,000 simulations (N) and 1 replication (m).

3. Repeat the simulation with 1,000 simulations (N) and 3 replications (m).

4. Explain the behavior of the probability of failure compared against the system material strength, i.e., P(S>30MPa).

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Today we have an amazingly quickly developing mechanical headway and numerous researcher’s see a future where we are helped out innovation in our bodies. Numerous organizations are creating clinical items, and some are making all the more recently created thoughts which could had been taken out from a sci-fi film, for example, the thought from the organization Sanctuary. Asylum is a counterfeit general insight (AGI) organization having the objective to make machines like us, ready to think and carry on like people. Haven call them synths and is what they will be, manufactured insight, or right? What is insight? What’s more, would we be able to figure out what’s “engineered” insight or just knowledge?

I believe that a portion of the basic premises that lie underneath the way to deal with comprehend insight is that it’s a property of a physical body and can’t be disengaged or segregated from it. Like us people our knowledge developed to help us as a life form to more readily explore and control our condition to assist us with documenting our objectives, and I accept that all together for a synth to comprehend the world similarly as we do, it needs a body that is as near a human body as could reasonably be expected. I imagine that if its body work a similar route as a human body, it will assist manufactured insight with developing ideas and a comprehension of the world that is like the manner in which our own personalities work.

A few organizations are creating human body changes and human improvement in the reason for clinical use, today we see body prosthetics on people being utilized by their cerebrum signs to control their development however sooner rather than later I might suspect we will start to see non-therapeutically body alterations as prosthetics to the body parts we as of now have, joining innovation such that make us more robots.


In any case, making manufactured insight look and act like us people, while we simultaneously make ourselves seem as though engineered knowledge consolidating us with prosthetic body parts, isn’t that creation us nearly the equivalent? We can both think, we have a similar body shape, we are both part robot, and we are one might say both human. When do we arrive at where we are more machine than human? What’s more, would we be able to distinguish synths in a point where they are similarly as people as us. I feel that people will make significant alterations on our body in the following short measure of time and when we arrive at where the contrasts among synths and people are nearly gone, I believe that what will decide an individual from a synth will be that it was conceived as a human and not made from innovation. In any case, on the off chance that you make babies from both “races” which both end at a similar point in life where they are genuinely indistinguishable I wouldn’t state that they were extraordinary! I would state that they would be a similar sort of being, the two of them can think, have sentiments, and carry on as one another. It is state that white individuals are superior to dark individuals! Also, it would be a similar thought since they are genuinely indistinguishable. We would simply have made the outsider we have been searching for the opening time or made another correlation with an individual with another sort of development.

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