Is value-based healthcare delivery ethical?


-Is value-based healthcare delivery ethical? Support your response with the ideas of two philosophers discussed in this chapter or elsewhere.

-Do regulations facilitate or erode the delivery of value? Provide examples of cases where regulations have had a positive or negative effect.

-As the chief quality officer for your health system, you are responsible for driving changes to increase value in healthcare delivery. Identify the strategic infrastructure changes that will be needed and include a discussion of what resources the changes will require.

-Hospitals that reduce readmissions may stand to earn lower revenue because of the reduction in volume. Discuss how your organization would engage all stakeholders in embracing this process, and the strategy you would employ to accomplish this task.


Sample Solution

Value-based healthcare delivery is an ethical approach to providing effective care while ensuring reasonable resource allocation. According to the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, this model can be considered morally acceptable as it aims to maximize benefits for the greatest number of individuals (Bentham, 1789). This sentiment is echoed by John Rawls who suggests that value-based healthcare delivery should take into consideration universal principles such as fairness and justice when making decisions (Rawls, 1971).

These two philosophers both agree that medical resources should be distributed in such a way that provides maximum benefit to society overall. Furthermore, they suggest that cost–effective approaches should not supersede individual rights or needs – instead emphasizing how any decisions made must prioritize maximizing collective welfare within legal boundaries. In conclusion, value–based healthcare delivery has been argued by both Bentham and Rawls as an ethical means of providing quality care while maintaining fiscal responsibility. By understanding these ideals, organizations can ensure they are making sound decisions which strive towards benefiting everyone involved while also fulfilling their fiduciary duties.






















































Value-based healthcare delivery can be ethical depending on its implementation and how it is interpreted by various philosophers. For example, Immanuel Kant’s deontological approach argues that an action should be judged based on whether it is done out of a sense of duty or moral obligation rather than its consequences. In this sense, value-based healthcare delivery could potentially be seen as ethical if the goal is to provide care efficiently and fairly in order to improve patient outcomes while upholding the principles of justice and fairness.








legislators would have more motivations to crusade across their entire state, rather than basically battling in their solitary areas as the state vote would decide corresponding seating. Optimistically, Niel Franzese of the Connecticut Regulation Survey brings up “such a circumstance could propel citizens to partake in primaries that they had not in that frame of mind in order to make the most of a recharged opportunity to have their voices heard in another sort of essential political decision,” (Franzese, 274).

Moving to medium term results, ideological groups would turn out to be more divided as differing ideological groups would shape to catch a piece of the democratic portion. Adding to the fracture, parties that were major areas of strength for once start to debilitate, for example, how the Casual get-together has started to remove strength from the Conservative Association. On October 29, 2015, Stephanie Schriock of The Slope, guarantees the Casual get-together has previously been “fixing the legislative guide with safe conservative locale,” getting seats they regularly wouldn’t get an opportunity at winning. This pattern could extend across ideological group limits as “floor crossing” and between party alliances framed to deliver specific political decision results.

At last, the drawn out ramifications of applying Brazilian discretionary approaches to the US could demonstrate terrible. With an all around debilitating party framework, the possibilities of intrigue and pay off will rise dramatically. Moreover, as the US keeps on encountering a wilting working class, there would be cause for more noteworthy social uprisings. Adding into the class structure evaluation, “class structures have become undeniably more energized in cutting edge entrepreneur nations,” (Bastos, 153), and with unlikely portrayal overall, the polarization would keep on declining.

Presently the issue with this speculative situation is only that, it is speculative. The different ramifications that have been expressed lead one down an elusive slant that breeds cynicism and dismisses the chance of a positive result. To the extent that any political specialist can perceive, a relative framework might just be the response to fix the US polarization, taking into consideration better portrayal of regions, for example, the “neglected” moderate Rust Belt, the frank liberal West Coast, and the blended moderate/moderate East Coast. Thus, while examining what is happening, for example, this, it vital to observe that there essentially isn’t sufficient proof to help which type of a majority rules system will be more useful than another. There are many elements that become an integral factor including society, late political and social history, and eagerness to change to give some examples. In help, that’s what niel Franzese considers “an absence of convincing examinations with finding

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