Social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform.


Identify some of the social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform.

Sample Solution

There are a variety of social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform. On the social level, increased immigration can bring valuable cultural enrichment to countries that embrace diversity (Soep et al., 2019). It can also contribute to the growth of dynamic labor markets with access to new talent pools (Kostova & Roth, 2018). From an ethical perspective, there is a moral imperative to ensure immigrants are treated fairly and equitably while protecting their human rights (de Genova & Peutz., 2010). In terms of economics, immigrants tend to fill roles in industries where there is often labor shortages such as farming or hospitality (OECD., 2016). This increases productivity and boosts local economies by providing more opportunities for job creation.

In addition, studies have shown that most immigrants pay into the tax system at rates similar or even higher than native-born citizens (Hochschild & Powell 2015). This provides much needed additional revenue for government services such as healthcare or education. Furthermore, immigrant entrepreneurs have been found to create jobs which helps stimulate economic growth through innovation and investments in both startup companies as well as established businesses (Robinson et al., 2017). Finally reforming immigration laws has been seen to reduce illegal migration which helps protect security within borders from potentially dangerous individuals who may seek entry without proper documentation or background checks.









































– Promote the integration of immigrants into the social fabric of their new home, enabling them to work towards successful outcomes and reduce feelings of unease among those already living in the country.
– Increase access to education and health care for immigrants by providing them with options for legal status.
– Reduce exploitation of undocumented workers, allowing them to receive fair wages and working conditions.
– Ensure that immigration policy respects human rights, particularly those outlined in international law such as freedom from discrimination based on race, nationality or religion.
– Respect refugees’ right to seek asylum without any barrier due to their immigration status.
– Boost economic growth by increasing legal migration for skilled labor and reducing illegal migration flows across borders.
– Increase tax revenues through cha







The current leadership has focused on strengthening the organization by developing employee skills and capabilities. Leadership has laid out a vision that employees can buy into and a strategy with the intent to create a culture of engagement. With this strategy the employees now know where the organization is headed, how it will get there, and their role in helping achieve the vision. Through creating new ideas and prospects and providing the organization with a new path of growth and prosperity, they also promise the improvement of organizational performance and competitive advantage with the hopes of providing motivation, which will lead to more innovation in the organization (Nouri, 673). This has resulted in the formation of interdisciplinary committees to evaluate policy change and improvement, a shared governance model, and the creation of opportunities for growth for the staff to seek promotion and to build leadership skills.

The current leadership has had the effect of empowering the staff to make decisions that affect their jobs, giving them the authority to act, and to make them take responsibility for consequences. This has created a culture of leadership on all levels of the organization. There is now a twelve-week leadership-training program that prepares staff to assume leadership roles in the organization. Leadership training programs resulted from the new focus on increased retention through mentoring to decrease the high turnover within the organization. This program has helped the newly promoted leader succeed and gives the mentor satisfaction in seeing the growth in these new supervisors. Employees now feel engaged, creating a more positive atmosphere and the belief that they are part of a strong team.

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