Strategic planning approaches to create effective and relevant healthcare strategies, goals, and objectives.



As Healthy Dynamics (HD) moves forward in the development of their strategic plan, it is important to understand where the company is strong, where it is weak, the major opportunities the company can explore, and possible threats. HD currently offers customized wellness programs to their clients, which include all or some of the following services: health assessments, biometric screenings, and telephonic health coaching. Telephonic coaching calls have dropped by 25% over the last year, and requests for onsite biometric screenings have increased by 15%, while health assessments are still being administered by paper. The company has over 500 employees, all working onsite at a five-floor commercial-leased building that includes an onsite fitness center, cafeteria, and breakrooms on each floor.

The staff consist of the following team members (10) in leadership, (30) information technology, (5) marketing, (250) health coaches, (20) account managers, (5) strategic planning managers, (5) administrative, (2) human resource directors, (3) benefit managers, (200) biometric screeners, and (10) contract managers. The cafeteria staff are not employees of the company and cost HD $500,000 per year. The company revenue has continued to decline by 15-25% over the last five years. If this trend continues for another two years, the company will be bankrupt. Customer satisfaction rates are declining, yet they are still considered one of the top competitors in the wellness industry.

You have been tasked with assessing the strategic position of the business and its environment. Some options currently under consideration are company restructuring, merger, acquisition, and adding or removing services. To provide a clear snapshot to help the company understand where it stands, you will explore key issues by creating a SWOT Analysis.

Create a SWOT Analysis that includes:
The Strengths of Healthy Dynamics within the wellness industry
The Weaknesses of Healthy Dynamics within the wellness industry
The Opportunities available to Healthy Dynamics within the wellness industry (or research potential opportunities by branching into a new industry)
The Threats to Healthy Dynamics within the wellness industry (or research potential threats from companies whose primary business is in another, related industry, or from disruptive technologies that potentially threaten all companies in an industry)

Sample Solution

In the opening remarks of the World Health Organization’s General-director, use proper words. Most of the expressions used in his statement fit the need of its reader. Few phrases were formal, and some were not, like the phrase, “Today, I have a message for young people: you are not invincible. This virus could put you in hospital for weeks, or even kill you,” is formal for using “I have” instead of making it short like “I’ve.” In addition, in his closing speech, his way of being thankful is too formal. As he stated, “I thank you.” In addition to having a formal structure, WHO’s director uses concrete and concise words in his remarks.

According to him, “Data from many countries clearly show that people under 50 make up a significant proportion of patients requiring hospitalization.” He specified that the adults aged below fifty are the ones in need of care and treatment.

A few downsides included in the statement are the use of technical language or jargon. The main subject of the statement was the regard of the COVID-19, which everyone should have knowledge of. With the use of unfamiliar words, the audience might cause confusion and would not be able to appreciate the message of the statement. In my opinion, they should have used straightforward expressions or words since not everyone has the same vocabulary levels. Especially the topic is for every age some children would find it difficult to understand if the phrase is professional instead of simple. In the middle of the statement, one of the words used is “inevitable,” which is not one of the basic terminologies. In addition, the one mentioned of both using formal and informal structure. In my opinion, he, the WHO’s director, should have used neither formal nor informal rather than using both. Lastly, the use of slang and abbreviations. Most of the phrases have the word “WHO,” which stands for “World Health Organization.” I found this negative since peo

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