Policy associated with the Affordable Care Act in California




To maintain political, governmental, staff, and patient loyalty, the healthcare organization must provide a sense of organizational stability and view of the legislative landscape. The political landscape is the basis for healthcare policy, guidance, state, local, and community support (both fiscal and legal) engaging in political trade-offs to stabilize the healthcare industry (such as in the cost, pharmaceuticals, insurance premiums, and organizational ROI in the healthcare industry). Healthcare organizations must provide the necessary guidance and advocacy for stakeholders in the setting of both state and federal legislature as a voice of reason, authority, and integrity. Provide information on the following:

Research a policy associated with the Affordable Care Act in California or another state that may affect healthcare reform and/or the way health care is provided in the chosen state.
Describe the policy and who wrote and/or promoted the policy legislature (provide statistical data).
What are the trade-offs offered to bring balance to the healthcare stakeholders?
What role have public perception and disinterestedness played in the valuation of healthcare performance?
Describe how process innovation, risk taking, health policy analysis, and governance “sense-making” provide balance for stakeholders.


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The growth of public health through governmental action and policy.



What It Is and How It Works about the growth of public health through governmental action and policy. A particular area of interest is in the state’s police powers, the ability of public health concerns to severely limit or restrict a person’s rights out of concern for public safety. The COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns are a recent example of this power. In this discussion,

Highlight two real-world examples where you believe it is within the ethical and legal boundaries for a public health official to limit someone’s personal freedoms in favor of public safety. Support each scenario with at least one credible source (it does not have to be scholarly). Note: You cannot use the COVID pandemic as one of your examples.
Do you believe this legal ability should remain, or is it potentially outdated and invasive? Explain why or why not.


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