You are the owner of a small to mid-sized business. You are currently developing your marketing plan for the upcoming year. The marketing plan will include both the tactical and strategic plan elements. You will also discuss the implementation and evaluation of the strategic marketing plan.
Answer the following:
Summarize your selected scenario and details about the firm and/or product line.
Assess which of Michael Porter’s basic strategies you will use to market this product and why.
As you know from your reading, consumers have different product needs and use products differently. Segmentation seeks to group different demands and needs into clusters with similar demand patterns. Using the dimensions of market segmentation, determine and defend which markets you will target with your marketing plan. Outline your target market in detail.
Justify the stages in the consumer decision making process for your selected product or service. Be sure to discuss how consumers evaluate alternatives and what mediums they use in the information search stage.
Conduct research to determine where improvements should be made to your product or service line. Discuss these improvements and the estimated cost in developing and launching these enhancements.
Marketing Plan for a Small-to-Mid-Sized Business
I am the owner of “Green Goods Garden Supply,” a small-to-mid-sized business specializing in organic gardening supplies and services. Our target market consists of environmentally conscious homeowners and hobbyists in the surrounding suburban area. We offer a wide variety of organic seeds, fertilizers, pest control solutions, gardening tools, and educational workshops.
Competitive Strategy:
According to Michael Porter’s basic strategies, Green Goods Garden Supply will adopt a differentiation strategy. We will focus on providing high-quality organic products and services that are differentiated from our competitors based on:
Market Segmentation:
Green Goods Garden Supply will target the following market segments based on demographic and psychographic factors:
Consumer Decision-Making Process:
Consumers seeking organic gardening supplies and services typically follow these stages in the decision-making process:
Consumers primarily use the following mediums in the information search stage:
Product Improvements and Enhancements:
Based on customer feedback and market research, the following improvements should be made to Green Goods Garden Supply’s product line:
These improvements are expected to increase customer engagement, brand awareness, and ultimately, sales. They will also allow Green Goods Garden Supply to better compete with larger online retailers by providing a more convenient and informative shopping experience.
This marketing plan provides a roadmap for Green Goods Garden Supply to achieve its goals in the upcoming year. By focusing on differentiation, targeting the right market segments, understanding the consumer decision-making process, and implementing strategic product improvements, the business can continue to thrive in the competitive organic gardening market.