Issue with the Articles of Confederation

According to the declaration of independence, what can the people do if they are fed up with the way our government is running the country?

2. What was one issue with the Articles of Confederation?

Sample Solution

  1. The Declaration of Independence doesn’t directly outline what the people can do if they are unhappy with the government. However, it does provide some relevant ideas:
  • Right to Revolution: The document emphasizes the right of the people to revolution when a government becomes “destructive” of their “unalienable rights” (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness). This concept provides a philosophical justification for overthrowing a tyrannical government.
  • Consent of the Governed: The Declaration states that “governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This implies that the people have the right to withdraw their consent if the government fails to represent their interests.
  1. There were several weaknesses with the Articles of Confederation, but one major issue was the lack of a strong central government. Here’s how it limited the government’s effectiveness:
  • Limited Power to Tax: The Articles didn’t grant Congress the power to levy taxes. States had to contribute funds, but they often neglected this, leaving the national government financially crippled.
  • Regulating Trade: The Articles didn’t allow Congress to regulate trade between states or with foreign nations. This led to economic instability and competition between states.
  • Enforcing Laws: The Articles lacked a national judiciary or enforcement power. This made it difficult for Congress to enforce its laws and maintain order.

These weaknesses ultimately led to the creation of a stronger central government under the U.S. Constitution.


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