It’s a total of 6 pages reflection that identifies one of the Calls to Action from the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada and how it will impact your care of indigenous patients?
Reflection should be evidenced using 3 resources from scholarly peer reviewed journals, textbooks & evidenced informed websites.
Reflection should address :
. What is the meaning and intent of one of the TRCC health related Calls to Action (#18-24)?
. How will you as a future nurse uphold the selected Call to Action?
. How will this impact your care of indigenous patients?
Reflection on Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #19: Closing the Gaps in Health Outcomes
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) issued 94 Calls to Action, urging Canadians to address the legacy of residential schools and foster reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. This reflection focuses on Call to Action #19, which calls upon the federal government to:
“19. We call upon the federal government, in consultation with Aboriginal peoples, to establish measurable goals to identify and close the gaps in health outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities, and to publish annual reports on progress towards closing these gaps.” [Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, 2015]
This call to action highlights the persistent health inequities faced by Indigenous communities in Canada. As a future nurse, upholding Call to Action #19 is crucial to providing culturally safe and equitable care for Indigenous patients.
Meaning and Intent of Call to Action #19
The intent of Call to Action #19 is twofold:
Upholding Call to Action #19 as a Future Nurse
As a future nurse, I can uphold Call to Action #19 in several ways:
Impact on Patient Care
Upholding Call to Action #19 will positively impact my care of Indigenous patients in the following ways:
Upholding Call to Action #19 is not just a moral imperative, it’s a crucial step towards achieving health equity for Indigenous peoples in Canada. As a future nurse, I am committed to fostering culturally safe and equitable care for all patients. This includes ongoing learning, collaboration, and advocating for policies that address the historical and ongoing challenges faced by Indigenous communities.