Potential ethical issues that could be of concern for nurses with telehealth-delivered care.


identify and discuss at least two potential ethical issues that could be of concern for nurses with telehealth-delivered care.


Sample Solution

Telehealth offers numerous benefits for both patients and healthcare providers, but it also presents some ethical challenges for nurses. Here are two potential ethical issues to consider:

  1. Compromised Patient Assessment and Diagnosis:
  • Limited Physical Examination: During a traditional in-person visit, nurses can perform a comprehensive physical assessment, including vital signs, inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Telehealth may limit these assessments, potentially leading to missed diagnoses or inaccurate interpretations.
  • Technology Dependence: Reliance on technology for data collection (e.g., blood pressure monitors) can introduce technical errors or malfunctions that skew results. Nurses need to be aware of these limitations and have protocols in place for addressing them.
  • Accessibility and Equity: Not all patients have access to reliable technology or internet connections. This raises concerns about equitable access to quality telehealth care, potentially widening healthcare disparities.
  1. Challenges in Maintaining Patient Privacy and Confidentiality:
  • Data Security Risks: Telehealth platforms transmit sensitive patient information. Nurses have a responsibility to ensure the security of these platforms and protect patient data from breaches or unauthorized access.
  • Telehealth Etiquette: Nurses need to be mindful of the patient’s environment during a telehealth visit. They should ensure the patient has a private space for the conversation and discuss any potential risks of eavesdropping beforehand.
  • Informed Consent: Patients have the right to understand the limitations of telehealth and how their information will be used. Nurses must ensure informed consent is obtained before initiating telehealth care.

Additional Considerations:

  • Scope of Practice: Nurses need to be aware of their professional scope of practice within telehealth guidelines. This may differ from traditional in-person care.
  • Building Rapport: Establishing trust and rapport with patients can be more challenging in a virtual setting. Nurses need to employ active listening skills and communication techniques to build therapeutic relationships with patients during telehealth visits.

By being aware of these ethical issues and taking steps to mitigate them, nurses can ensure that telehealth-delivered care is safe, effective, and respectful of patient privacy and autonomy.


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