Research Methods



Develop a research proposal. You will choose and narrow your research question; review literature; pose one or more hypotheses; and propose your research methods.

Sample Solution




1. Research Question

While social media offers many benefits, concerns exist regarding its potential negative influence on body image, particularly among teenagers. This research aims to investigate the following question:

How does social media usage influence body image satisfaction and self-esteem in teenagers?

This question will be further narrowed down to focus on a specific social media platform (e.g., Instagram) and a particular age group within teenagers (e.g., 13-15 years old).

2. Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review will be conducted to explore existing research on the following aspects:

  • The relationship between social media use and body image in teenagers.
  • The specific features of social media platforms (e.g., exposure to idealized images, social comparison) that may contribute to negative body image.
  • The psychological mechanisms underlying the impact of social media on self-esteem and body image satisfaction.
  • Studies investigating potential positive influences of social media on body image (e.g., promoting body positivity movements).

3. Hypotheses

Based on the literature review, the following hypotheses are proposed:

  • H1: Teenagers who spend more time on social media will report lower body image satisfaction compared to those who spend less time.
  • H2: Increased exposure to idealized images on social media will be associated with greater body image dissatisfaction and lower self-esteem.
  • H3: The use of social media for social comparison purposes will be positively correlated with lower body image satisfaction and self-esteem.

4. Research Methods

This research will employ a quantitative approach using a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire will be designed to measure:

  • Social media usage patterns (time spent, specific platforms used).
  • Body image satisfaction using validated scales.
  • Self-esteem using standardized measures.
  • Social comparison behavior on social media.

The target population will be teenagers within the chosen age range. Data collection will likely involve:

  • Online survey distribution through social media platforms (excluding the platform under investigation) or school networks (with parental consent).

5. Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed using statistical software to test the proposed hypotheses. Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize the data, and inferential statistics such as correlation analysis or regression analysis will be employed to examine the relationships between social media use and body image satisfaction/self-esteem.

This research proposal provides a foundational framework. Further details can be developed based on specific requirements, like access to participants or availability of resources.


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