Electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) systems

prepare a deliverable focused on electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) systems. You may choose one of the following format options for your deliverable: a written outline, an infographic, or a slide presentation. Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow APA formatting guidelines.
Refer to the APA Resources area in the “Student Resources” button on our course home page.
In Module 6, we learned about EBPP systems. For this assignment, you will create a deliverable (either a written outline, an infographic, or a slide presentation) that communicates the information below. See the attached handout to view resources that can assist you in creating some of these types of deliverables. Handout – ‘How To’ Resources for Creative Deliverables (Canvas).pdfOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader Download Handout – ‘How To’ Resources for Creative Deliverables (Canvas).pdfOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader
1. Explain the merits of an electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) system.
2. In your deliverable, address the following associated with such a system.
o Risks
o Opportunities
o Costs
3. An outline or infographic should be of sufficient length and detail to thoroughly explain the key issues.
4. Presentations should include an adequate number of slides to thoroughly respond to the assignment.
o Use the last slide as a “reference” slide to include your resources.
o Use citations on individual slides by putting the resource(s) in small print at the bottom of the slide.


Sample Solution

Option 2: Infographic

Title: Streamlining Finances: The Advantages of Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) Systems

Center Section:

  • Large Image: A smartphone or computer screen displaying an invoice with a “Pay Now” button.

Left Section:

  • What is EBPP?
    • Brief explanation (2-3 sentences) defining EBPP as a system for receiving and paying bills electronically.
  • Merits of EBPP:
    • Listed benefits with icons:
      • Increased Convenience (Clock icon) – Faster and easier bill management.
      • Improved Organization (Filing Cabinet icon) – Paperless system reduces clutter.
      • Enhanced Security (Lock icon) – Reduced risk of lost or stolen bills.
      • Environmental Sustainability (Tree icon) – Less paper usage benefits the environment.
      • Time Savings (Calendar icon) – Automatic payments save time and effort.

Right Section:

  • Considerations for EBPP:
    • Listed points with icons:
      • Potential Risks (Caution icon) – Security breaches, internet dependence.
      • Implementation Costs (Dollar Sign icon) – Initial setup fees for businesses.
      • Limited Accessibility (Globe icon) – Not everyone has reliable internet access.

Bottom Section:

  • Opportunities for EBPP:
    • Listed points with icons:
      • Integration with Budgeting Apps (Pie Chart icon) – Streamlined financial management.
      • Personalized Payment Options (Calendar & Clock icons) – Flexible scheduling and reminders.
      • Enhanced Data Analysis (Bar Graph icon) – Better tracking of spending patterns.

Reference Slide:

  • Title: References
  • Content:
    • Listed sources in APA format, including:
      • Investopedia [invalid URL removed] – Electronic Bill Payment & Presentment (EBPP)
      • The Balance – What Is Electronic Bill Payment and Presentment (EBPP)?
      • Core Business Technologies – What is Electronic Bill Presentment & Payment (EBPP)?
      • (Include additional resources as needed)

Speaker Notes:

  • This infographic provides a high-level overview of Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) systems.
  • EBPP offers numerous advantages for both consumers and businesses, including convenience, organization, security, and environmental benefits.
  • However, potential risks like security concerns and limited accessibility need to be considered.
  • The future holds exciting opportunities for EBPP integration with financial tools and personalized payment options.

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