Practices In Other States


Choose a state and review the scope of practice for the advanced practice nurse. How does it compare to Florida?

Sample Solution

Let’s compare the scope of practice for Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) in California with Florida.


California is known for having a relatively autonomous scope of practice for APNs. Here’s a breakdown of some key areas:

  • Autonomy: California allows for full practice authority for APNs who meet specific qualifications, including having a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree, having a national certification in their specialty area, and completing 3,000 hours of practice under a physician’s supervision.
  • Supervision: Once qualified, APNs can practice independently without the need for a formal collaborative agreement with a physician. However, some settings (e.g., hospitals) may have their own internal policies requiring physician oversight for certain procedures.
  • Prescriptive Authority: California APNs with full practice authority can prescribe all medications, including Schedule II controlled substances.
  • Specialty Areas: California recognizes various APN specialty areas like Family Practice, Adult-Gerontology, and Neonatal.


Florida has a more restrictive scope of practice for APNs compared to California. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Autonomy: Florida requires APNs to have a collaborative agreement with a physician to practice. This agreement outlines the scope of practice and supervision requirements.
  • Supervision: The specific level of supervision can vary depending on the APN’s experience and the complexity of the case.
  • Prescriptive Authority: Florida APNs can prescribe most medications, but there may be limitations on Schedule II controlled substances.
  • Specialty Areas: Florida recognizes various APN specialty areas similar to California.


  • Autonomy: California offers significantly more autonomy for APNs with full practice authority.
  • Supervision: Florida requires a collaborative agreement, whereas California allows for independent practice under specific conditions.
  • Prescriptive Authority: Both states allow APNs to prescribe most medications, but California has fewer restrictions.

Additional Resources:

Remember: This is a general comparison. Specific details of the scope of practice can vary within each state, so it’s important to consult the official resources for the most current information.


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