Theories & Conceptual Models



Evaluate theories and conceptual models from nursing and related fields for use in advanced nursing practice.


Sample Solution

Advanced nursing practice requires a strong foundation in theoretical knowledge. Theories and conceptual models provide frameworks to guide your clinical decision-making, improve patient outcomes, and shape your approach to care. Here’s how to evaluate them for use in your practice:

Considerations for Evaluation:

  • Relevance to your area of practice: Does the theory address the specific patient population or healthcare setting you work in?
  • Clarity of concepts: Are the key concepts within the theory clearly defined and measurable?
  • Empirical evidence: Is there research supporting the effectiveness of the theory in improving patient outcomes?
  • Ethical considerations: Does the theory align with your professional ethics and values?
  • Complexity: Is the theory complex enough to be meaningful in advanced practice, yet simple enough to be applied in real-world situations?
  • Fit with your personal philosophy of nursing: Does the theory resonate with your own beliefs about the purpose and nature of nursing?

Process of Evaluation:

  1. Identify relevant theories and models: Explore different nursing theories (e.g., Orem’s Self-Care Deficit, Henderson’s Need Theory) and consider models from related fields (e.g., Chronic Illness Trajectory Model).
  2. Analyze each theory/model: Review the key concepts, propositions, and underlying assumptions.
  3. Evaluate based on the criteria above: Consider the theory’s relevance, clarity, evidence base, ethical considerations, and fit with your practice and philosophy.
  4. Select and adapt: Choose a theory or model that aligns with your needs and adapt it to your specific patient population or clinical setting.

Benefits of using Theories and Models:

  • Improved patient outcomes: By guiding your interventions, theories can lead to better patient care and quality of life.
  • Enhanced decision-making: Theories provide a framework for critical thinking and problem-solving in complex situations.
  • Holistic patient care: Many theories emphasize a holistic view of the patient, considering physical, psychological, and social factors.
  • Stronger communication: Shared theoretical knowledge facilitates communication with colleagues and other healthcare professionals.


  • No single theory is perfect for all situations. You may need to draw from multiple theories to guide your practice.
  • The use of theory is an ongoing process. As you gain experience, you can refine your understanding and application of theoretical frameworks.

By critically evaluating theories and conceptual models, you can enhance your advanced nursing practice and ultimately improve the care you provide to your patients.


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