Medical practice in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to lease to surgeons to perform surgeries


You have decided to open up a medical practice in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to lease to surgeons to perform surgeries. There are 3 partners (including yourself). Consider the capital structure required to start-up your business and answer the following questions:

Will you mostly take out loans (debt) to finance your business, look for investors (equity), use savings, etc. Justify your answer with resources (textbook or outside resources).
List at least 2 potential risks the practice will face due to your capitalization decision.


Sample Solution

Capital Structure for Surgical Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Partners: 3 (including yourself)

Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Financing a Surgical Center Startup

The decision of how to finance your surgical center will significantly impact your business in the short and long term. Here’s an analysis of potential financing methods:

1. Debt Financing (Loans):

  • Benefits:
    • Easier to obtain initial funding compared to equity.
    • Tax advantages as interest payments are tax-deductible (consult with a tax advisor).
    • Maintains ownership and control for the partners.
  • Drawbacks:
    • High-interest rates can strain cash flow, especially in the initial stages.
    • Large debt burdens limit access to future funding.
    • Personal guarantees may be required, putting your personal assets at risk.

2. Equity Financing (Investors):

  • Benefits:
    • Provides significant capital without incurring debt.
    • Investors can bring valuable expertise and connections.
    • Lessens the financial burden on partners.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Relinquishing ownership and control through dilution.
    • Investors may have decision-making power and influence on business direction.
    • Potential for disagreements with investors.

3. Bootstrapping (Savings):

  • Benefits:
    • Maintains complete ownership and control.
    • No debt burden or interest payments.
  • Benefits:
    • Limited initial funding may hinder growth and equipment acquisition.
    • Longer runway required to reach profitability.

Recommended Capital Structure:

Considering the factors above, a hybrid approach utilizing a combination of debt and equity financing is likely the most suitable option:

  • Debt Financing (Moderate Loan): Securing a moderate loan can provide essential capital for initial setup costs (equipment, renovations) without overwhelming your cash flow. Aim for favorable loan terms with extended repayment schedules.
  • Equity Financing (Strategic Investor): Seeking a strategic investor with experience in the healthcare industry can offer not only financial resources but also valuable guidance and connections. This could be an experienced medical professional or a healthcare investment firm.
  • Bootstrapping (Partner Savings): Utilizing your own savings demonstrates commitment and reduces reliance solely on external funding.


This balanced approach offers several advantages:

  • Manageable Debt Burden: Moderate debt allows for growth without excessive financial strain.
  • Reduced Risk: Investors can contribute expertise and mitigate risk by sharing the financial burden.
  • Ownership and Control: By strategically selecting an investor, you can maintain a majority ownership stake while benefiting from their experience.
  • Demonstrated Commitment: Partner savings illustrate your dedication to the venture.

Potential Risks Due to Capitalization Decision:

  1. Investor Disagreements: Misalignment with an investor’s vision or priorities can lead to conflict and hinder decision-making. Thoroughly vet potential investors and ensure a clear understanding of expectations before finalizing agreements.
  2. Loan Default: If the business struggles financially and cannot meet debt obligations, you and your partners could face personal liability if personal guarantees were required. Careful financial planning and budgeting are crucial to mitigate this risk.


By carefully considering the advantages and drawbacks of each financing option, you can structure a capital plan that minimizes risk, fosters growth, and sets your surgical center up for success in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Remember to consult with financial advisors and legal professionals to tailor your capital structure to your specific needs and risk tolerance.

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