Change Management


Propose a change that your organization could implement that would aid it strategically. The proposed change might relate to some area of need, performance deficiency, or other opportunity that you observe in the organization. Note: You will be proposing a change initiative related to motivation in next week’s assignment. Accordingly, focus your change project for this week’s paper in a direction other than motivation.

Write a paper addressing the following:

Describe the change that you propose and defend its benefits to the organization.
Evaluate how the proposed change may affect various groups of employees.
Assess the conflicts that might occur before, during, and after the change, including why you anticipate these conflicts.
Defend at least three best practices to prevent or resolve those conflicts.
Justify the channels of communication the organization should use in implementing this change.



Sample Solution

Proposal for Implementing a Knowledge-Sharing Platform

Change Proposal:

This paper proposes the implementation of a knowledge-sharing platform within our organization. This platform would serve as a centralized repository for employee knowledge, documents, and best practices. It would allow for easy access, collaboration, and knowledge transfer across departments and teams.

Benefits to the Organization:

  • Improved Efficiency: Employees can readily find existing resources, eliminating redundant work and wasted time searching for information.
  • Enhanced Innovation: Sharing knowledge fosters cross-pollination of ideas, leading to new solutions and improved problem-solving.
  • Knowledge Retention: Capturing and preserving institutional knowledge reduces the risk of losing valuable information when employees leave the organization.
  • Empowered Employees: Easy access to information empowers employees to make better decisions and take ownership of their work.
  • Streamlined Onboarding: New hires can efficiently access training materials, best practices, and company information, accelerating onboarding.

Impact on Different Employee Groups:

  • Senior Employees: They can contribute their expertise and ensure their knowledge is documented and preserved.
  • Mid-Level Employees: They can benefit from readily available knowledge and best practices to improve their performance.
  • New Hires: They can access resources to learn the ropes and become productive members of the team faster.

Potential Conflicts:

  • Resistance to Change: Some employees may be hesitant to adopt a new system or share their knowledge openly.
  • Fear of Job Security: Employees may worry that sharing knowledge will make them expendable.
  • Time Commitment: Adding a new platform may require initial time investment for training and content creation.
  • Content Quality and Control: Concerns might arise regarding the accuracy and relevance of information shared.

Best Practices for Conflict Resolution:

  1. Transparency and Communication: Clearly explain the benefits of the platform and address employee concerns openly.
  2. Incentives and Recognition: Reward employees who actively contribute content and participate in knowledge sharing.
  3. Training and Support: Provide training on using the platform and address concerns about content quality control.
  4. Pilot Program: Consider a pilot program in a specific department to gather feedback and refine the platform before full implementation.

Communication Channels:

  • Town hall meetings: Announce the initiative, explain its purpose, and address employee concerns.
  • Internal communication channels: Utilize email, intranet announcements, and company newsletters to keep employees informed throughout the process.
  • Training sessions: Provide comprehensive training on using the platform’s features and functionalities.
  • Management support: Actively encourage leaders to share knowledge and use the platform, demonstrating its value.


By implementing a knowledge-sharing platform and promoting a culture of knowledge exchange, our organization can unlock a wealth of intellectual capital. Investing in this change initiative will enhance our efficiency, innovation, and overall performance, positioning us for future success.


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