Employee compensation is one of the largest expenses a company has.

Employee compensation is one of the largest expenses a company has. It is important that compensation is well-designed and effective. Here you will read about how two different companies connect their total rewards to their organization values and goals. One of the companies will be selected for your paper.

This case study is focused on how 2 different companies use total rewards to support the organization’s missions and values and achieve strategic outcomes. Select only 1 of the companies as the basis for your case study response. (This is not meant to be a comparison of the companies, but an exploration of how 2 different companies use their compensation and benefits structures to achieve organizational outcomes). The paper must specifically address the following areas:

• How the company uses its own products or services to enhance the total compensation for its employees;
• The internal and external strengths and weaknesses identified and how the company responded to these factors from a total rewards perspective;
• Examples of traditional and non-traditional rewards and how they are used to meet organizational objectives;
• How the company aligns its compensation benefits with its corporate values; and
• Recommendations regarding an expansion of the benefits programs offered at the company that would further align HR with the accomplishment of organizational goals and values.


Sample Solution

Case Study: Whole Foods Market and Total Rewards

This case study will explore how Whole Foods Market (WFM) leverages its total rewards strategy to support its organizational values and achieve strategic outcomes. WFM, a grocery chain known for its focus on natural and organic products, emphasizes employee well-being, environmental responsibility, and community engagement in its mission statement.

Using WFM Products to Enhance Compensation:

  • Employee Discount: WFM offers a generous employee discount on groceries, directly impacting employee well-being and aligning with the company’s focus on healthy food choices.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Internal Strengths:

  • Strong Employer Brand: WFM attracts employees who value its mission and commitment to quality.
  • Employee Ownership: A small percentage of company stock is allocated to employees, fostering a sense of ownership and investment in the company’s success.

Internal Weaknesses:

  • Relatively Lower Base Pay: WFM’s base salaries may be lower than competitors, potentially impacting recruitment and retention, especially in high-cost areas.

External Strengths:

  • Growing Organic Market: The increasing demand for organic food aligns well with WFM’s core business and strengthens its employer brand.

External Weaknesses:

  • Competition: The grocery industry is highly competitive, with large chains offering lower prices and potentially more competitive compensation packages.

Traditional and Non-Traditional Rewards:

Traditional Rewards:

  • Health Insurance: WFM offers comprehensive health insurance plans, aligning with its focus on employee well-being.
  • Retirement Savings Plan: WFM contributes to employee retirement plans, supporting long-term financial security.

Non-Traditional Rewards:

  • Wellness Programs: WFM offers wellness programs that incentivize healthy habits, such as gym memberships or discounts on fitness trackers.
  • Community Service Time: WFM allows employees paid time off to volunteer in the community, reflecting its commitment to social responsibility.

Aligning Benefits with Values:

  • Employee Stock Ownership: Promotes a sense of ownership and aligns with the company’s mission.
  • Wellness Programs: Supports employee well-being and reflects WFM’s focus on healthy living.
  • Community Service Time: Encourages social responsibility, a core value of WFM.

Expanding Benefit Programs:

  • Student Loan Repayment Assistance: This benefit would address a major financial burden for many employees and aligns with WFM’s focus on attracting and retaining talent.
  • Mental Health Resources: Offering expanded mental health resources would demonstrate WFM’s commitment to employee well-being and cater to the growing need for mental health support.
  • Sustainability Incentives: Programs rewarding eco-friendly practices (e.g., carpooling, using reusable bags) would reinforce WFM’s environmental responsibility values.


By strategically aligning its total rewards with its mission and values, WFM can attract and retain top talent, promote a positive work environment, and achieve its strategic goals. The suggested benefit program expansions can further strengthen this connection and make WFM an even more attractive employer in the competitive grocery market.


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