Caring for East Indian Hindu, Haitian, & Jewish Populations



A. Describe the family structure of some East Indian Hindu families and the effect the family organization may have on health-seeking behavior.
B. What are the contributing factors that lead to the high birth rate in Haiti and among Haitian immigrants?
C. List religious needs a Jewish client may have while being hospitalized with which nursing staff can assist.

Sample Solution

A Closer Look at Health and Culture

  1. East Indian Hindu Families and Health
  • Family Structure: Traditionally, East Indian Hindu families follow a joint family system. This means multiple generations (parents, children, grandparents, and even extended family) live together under one roof. The eldest male figure often holds authority, and decisions are made collaboratively.
  • Impact on Health-Seeking Behavior: This structure can influence health-seeking behavior in a few ways:
    • Positive aspects: Strong family support can encourage preventive care and adherence to treatment plans. Family members can remind each other about medications, accompany them to appointments, and offer emotional support.
    • Challenges: Decision-making about healthcare can be complex, involving multiple family members. Traditional remedies or cultural beliefs might sometimes delay seeking professional medical help.
  1. High Birth Rate in Haiti

Several factors contribute to the high birth rate in Haiti and among Haitian immigrants:

  • Limited access to family planning: Contraceptives are often expensive, inaccessible, or carry stigma. Educational resources about family planning might also be scarce.
  • Cultural and religious beliefs: Some religious views may oppose contraception. Additionally, large families might be valued for social security and support in a challenging economic environment.
  • Lack of female empowerment: Limited access to education and economic opportunities for women can contribute to a desire for more children, who are seen as potential contributors to the household income.
  1. Religious Needs of Jewish Clients in Hospitals

Here are some religious needs a Jewish client may have while hospitalized, and how nursing staff can assist:

  • Dietary restrictions: Kosher food observance requires specific food preparation and ingredients. Hospitals can offer kosher meals or work with families to ensure dietary needs are met.
  • Shabbat observance: Observant Jews may have restrictions on using electricity or performing certain activities during Shabbat (Saturday). Nurses can be flexible with scheduling procedures and medications while respecting religious practices.
  • Prayer needs: Providing a quiet space and access to religious texts or prayer materials can be helpful.
  • Holidays: Certain Jewish holidays may have specific observances. Nurses can inquire about the client’s needs and accommodate them whenever possible.

Additional Notes:

  • It’s important to remember that these are general points, and individual families and clients may have different needs and practices.
  • Culturally sensitive care requires open communication, respecting individual beliefs, and working collaboratively with patients and their families.


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