A Letter To An Official In Your State Or Local Government

As health care leaders, it is important to understand strategies for advocating and lobbying elected officials. This can lead to the development of policies or laws that can help drive improved equity and outcomes for all participants in the health care environment as well as a more sustainable financial future.

Audience: Make sure you are addressing your letter to an actual local or state official

you will develop a letter to an official in your state or local government (choose the individual in the level of government that will best address your issue). The purpose of this letter is to advocate for action with regards to your chosen health care environment issue. Remember, when writing the letter, you must use your personal address and telephone number unless you are exclusively representing a group or your organization.

Be sure to address each main point. Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide, including performance-level descriptions for each criterion, to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how it will be assessed. In addition, note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

Overall, your assessment submission will be assessed on the following criteria:

Summarize the health care economic issue that you are addressing.
Keep this brief but try to include details about how the issue is currently impacting the elected officials’ constituents.
Explain the positive outcomes that will occur if the issue is addressed and the negative outcomes that will occur if the issue is not addressed.
Tailor this messaging to focus on the impacts in the communities and organizations that are relevant to the elected official you are writing to.
Summarize key information from scholarly sources to support the importance of addressing the issue; the issue’s overall impact on health care at the institutional, local, state, or national level; and proposed changes or actions to address the issue.
Cite at least five current, scholarly sources that support your argument and help provide the elected official (who may not have a detailed knowledge of the health care environment) with an understanding of the issues, changes, or actions that you are proposing to drive improved outcomes.
Identify the impact your issue has on health care institutions and health care providers at the local community, state, or national level.
Make sure to include information from both a health care and an economic perspective. An elected official may be more responsive to one perspective than another.
Incorporate social justice, structural racism, and inequity principles when picking resources and making recommendations for change in your assessment.
Explain how personal, professional, and organizational experiences have informed the resource planning and risk analysis for working toward addressing the economic issue.
Think about how your experiences (the experiences can be personal, professional, or from your team’s perspective or experience) affect how you have planned for the resources needed to implement your desired changes or actions. How did this impact your approach to conducting a risk analysis on the project?
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards.
Remember to conclude your letter with a summary of your position on the issue and a compelling reason that the elected official should act in your favor and support your issue or initiative.



Sample Solution

Letter to State Senator Regarding Social Determinants of Health and Medicaid Expansion

Your NameYour Address75126Phone Number


Senator [Senator’s Last Name][Senator’s District][State Capitol Address]

Dear Senator [Senator’s Last Name],

I am writing to you today to urge you to advocate for increased access to healthcare and address the social determinants of health within our state. Specifically, I am calling for the expansion of Medicaid coverage, a policy that would have a significant positive impact on the health and well-being of our communities.

The Issue: Social Determinants of Health and Limited Access to Care

Many residents in our state struggle with health disparities due to social determinants of health, such as poverty, lack of access to healthy food and quality housing, and inadequate transportation. These factors contribute to a higher prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Limited access to affordable healthcare further exacerbates these issues. Many low-income residents lack health insurance, leaving them vulnerable to preventable illnesses and financial hardship due to high medical costs.

The Benefits of Medicaid Expansion

Expanding Medicaid would provide much-needed health insurance coverage to a significant portion of our state’s low-income population. This would enable them to access preventive care, manage chronic conditions, and receive timely treatment for acute illnesses. Studies by the Kaiser Family Foundation (Source 1 [invalid URL removed]) show that Medicaid expansion is associated with a decrease in the number of uninsured residents, a reduction in uncompensated care costs for hospitals, and improved health outcomes.

Impact on Texas Communities

Expanding Medicaid would have a profound impact on communities across Texas. It would:

  • Improve the health of our residents: Increased access to preventive care and chronic disease management would lead to healthier individuals and families.
  • Reduce healthcare costs: Early intervention and treatment of chronic conditions would lower overall healthcare costs for the state.
  • Stimulate the economy: A healthier workforce translates to increased productivity and economic growth.
  • Reduce health disparities: Expanding Medicaid would improve access to care for low-income residents and minorities, promoting greater health equity.

Social Justice and Addressing Inequities

Social determinants of health and limited access to healthcare disproportionately impact low-income communities and communities of color. Expanding Medicaid is a crucial step towards addressing these inequities and ensuring all Texans have the opportunity to live healthy lives. A report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Source 2 [invalid URL removed]) highlights the racial and ethnic disparities in health insurance coverage and how Medicaid expansion would benefit these communities.

Personal and Professional Experience

As a concerned citizen (or briefly describe your profession if relevant to healthcare), I have witnessed firsthand the negative consequences of limited access to healthcare. ( Briefly describe a personal or professional experience that demonstrates the impact of social determinants of health or limited access to care. This could be a neighbor struggling to afford medication or a community with limited access to healthy food options).

Expanding Medicaid would be a significant step towards creating a more just and equitable healthcare system where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Call to Action

I urge you to champion Medicaid expansion as a means to improve the health and well-being of our communities. This policy is not only sound from a public health perspective but also offers significant economic benefits. By prioritizing social determinants of health and ensuring access to quality healthcare, we can build a healthier and more prosperous future for all Texans.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you regarding your position on this critical issue.


Your Name


  • Source 1 [invalid URL removed] Kaiser Family Foundation: Potential Impact of Expanding Medicaid in Texas
  • Source 2 [invalid URL removed] Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Medicaid Expansion Would Cover Millions of Low-Income Adults of Color

Additional Scholarly Sources:

  • Source 3 [invalid URL removed] Williams DR, Acevedo-Garcia D, Fabian Y. “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.” Oct 2016. ([Social determinants of health

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