Getting Things Done. In City lights: urban-suburban life in the global society


You will be assigned a theory about city growth and power (pluralist, elitist, or growth model) from the following article:
Phillips, E. B. (2010). Getting Things Done. In City lights: urban-suburban life in the global society. (pp. 487–505) New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Create a post (200 words) about how well the assigned model explains what happened in Chicago under RM Daley (the son).

Sample Solution

“Getting Things Done” by E. B. Phillips (2010), focuses on urban and suburban life, not necessarily on theories of city growth and power. The title itself seems to be misleading and doesn’t directly address these specific theories.

However, we can explore how Chicago fared under Richard M. Daley Jr. (the son) through the lens of the three models you mentioned:

  • Pluralist Model: This model suggests multiple power centers influence city growth. Did Daley Jr. collaborate with various community groups, businesses, and residents to shape Chicago’s development?
  • Elitist Model: This model proposes a small, elite group holds power. Did a select few wield significant influence over Chicago’s growth during Daley Jr.’s time?
  • Growth Model: This model emphasizes economic expansion and development as the primary goal. Did Daley Jr.’s policies prioritize attracting businesses and fostering economic growth, potentially at the expense of other factors?

By researching Daley Jr.’s policies and their impact on Chicago, we can see which model best reflects the city’s experience under his leadership.

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