Conflict Is Common In Healthcare Settings.


Conflict is common in healthcare settings. Common team sources of conflict include hierarchical relationships, authority differentials, poor communication, negative or disruptive behaviors, and multigenerational interprofessional teams.

Include the following sections:

Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.
Describe a conflict you have encountered in your nursing practice. Identify the stakeholders involved and their roles.
Analyze how the conflict was resolved. Which conflict resolution style was used?
Evaluate the efficacy of the resolution. Was the conflict resolution style used to address the conflict the most appropriate option? Why or why not?
Identify and describe your preferred mode of conflict resolution.
Integration of Evidence: Integrate relevant scholarly sources as defined by program expectations:
Cite a scholarly source in the initial post.
Cite a scholarly source in one faculty response post.
Cite a scholarly source in one peer post.
Accurately analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles from evidence with no more than one short quote (15 words or less) for the week.

Sample Solution

Application of Course Knowledge

Conflict is an inevitable aspect of healthcare, often arising from complex interactions between healthcare providers with diverse roles, responsibilities, and perspectives. In this context, understanding conflict resolution strategies is crucial for maintaining effective teamwork and patient care.

Case Study

I encountered a conflict during a patient handover between the night and day shift. The night nurse had documented the patient’s condition as stable, but upon morning assessment, the patient exhibited signs of deterioration. This discrepancy led to a tense exchange between the night and day shift nurses.


  • Night nurse: Responsible for the patient during the night shift.
  • Day nurse: Responsible for the patient during the day shift.
  • Patient: The individual whose care was at the center of the conflict.
  • Charge nurse: The unit’s supervisor, responsible for managing the situation.

Conflict Resolution

The conflict was initially addressed through a confrontational approach, with both nurses defending their assessments. However, the charge nurse intervened, creating a calmer atmosphere and encouraging open communication. The nurses were asked to clarify their observations and concerns without blaming each other. This approach can be considered a collaborative conflict resolution style.

Evaluation of Resolution

While the immediate conflict was resolved, the underlying issue of effective communication during shift handovers was not fully addressed. A more in-depth discussion about communication strategies and the importance of clear documentation would have been beneficial.

Preferred Conflict Resolution Style

I prefer a collaborative conflict resolution style, which involves open communication, mutual respect, and a focus on finding a mutually beneficial solution. This approach aligns with the principles of teamwork and patient-centered care.

Integration of Evidence

According to Rahim (2002), collaborative conflict management is characterized by a win-win orientation, where parties work together to find a mutually satisfactory solution. This approach is particularly effective in healthcare settings where effective teamwork is essential for patient safety.

By adopting a collaborative approach, healthcare providersa can build stronger relationships, improve communication, and enhance patient outcomes.


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