Evidence-based findings from nursing research.


Evaluate evidence-based findings from nursing research.
Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances.
PICOT Question
The purpose of this assessment is to critically appraise successful change in the workplace in support of evidence-based practice. You will apply a model of change to an identified problem within your workplace and identify how leadership and interprofessional collaboration can create and sustain a culture and environment for evidence-based practice.
Address the following:
1. Introduce the reader to the content of this paper with an introductory paragraph.
2. Create a clinical question in PICOT format to a problem identified within your present or former healthcare workplace.
3. Using Kotter and Cohen’s Model of Change, complete the template provided and insert into paper.
4. Identify the interprofessional team members essential for successful organizational change in support of your clinical question.
5. Choose a leadership style for creating and sustaining evidence-based practice within your workplace with rationale.
6. Discuss how your vision and belief in the incorporation of evidence-based practice in the workplace ensures sustainable change in your workplace.
7. Finish your paper with a concluding paragraph.
8. Write a 2- to 3-page paper, excluding title and reference pages.

Sample Solution




Contingency planning is a proactive approach to risk management that involves developing alternative plans or strategies to address potential disruptions to business operations. By anticipating and preparing for potential scenarios, organizations can minimize the impact of unexpected events and maintain business continuity.

Benefits of Scenario Planning

  • Risk Identification and Mitigation: Scenario planning helps organizations identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, allowing them to develop strategies to mitigate their impact.
  • Improved Decision-Making: By considering various potential scenarios, organizations can make more informed decisions and be better prepared to respond to challenges.
  • Enhanced Resilience: Scenario planning can help organizations build resilience and adaptability, enabling them to bounce back from disruptions more effectively.
  • Competitive Advantage: Organizations that are well-prepared for contingencies can gain a competitive advantage by demonstrating their ability to manage risks and maintain operations.
  • Regulatory Compliance: In some industries, contingency planning is a regulatory requirement.

Questions to Consider When Implementing Scenario Planning

  1. What are the potential risks and threats to your organization? Identify both internal and external factors that could disrupt your operations.
  2. What are the potential impacts of these risks? Assess the severity and likelihood of each risk and its potential consequences.
  3. What are your critical business processes? Identify the essential functions and activities that are necessary for your organization to operate.
  4. What resources are required to maintain operations? Determine the human, financial, and technological resources needed to support critical business processes.
  5. What are your contingency plans for each potential scenario? Develop alternative plans or strategies to address each identified risk.
  6. How will you test and validate your contingency plans? Conduct drills and simulations to ensure that your plans are effective and can be executed efficiently.
  7. How will you communicate and coordinate with stakeholders during a crisis? Develop communication plans and establish clear lines of authority.
  8. How will you monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your contingency planning? Regularly review and update your plans based on changing circumstances and lessons learned from past events.


Contingency planning is a vital component of effective risk management. By proactively identifying potential risks and developing alternative plans, organizations can improve their resilience, protect their reputation, and maintain business continuity in the face of unexpected challenges.


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