Roles in Advanced Nursing Practice



Analyze the difference between the practice of a masters prepared nurse compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse. (20%)
Identify your intended specialty advanced practice nursing role and describe common roles, duties, and/or job titles associated with the role. (20%) -answer in terms of MSN -NURSE EXECUTIVE
Discuss the environment that nurses in the advanced practice specialty you identified typically practice (i.e., hospital, outpatient, community, etc.). (11%)
Explain the purpose and value of professional certification. Identify whether certification is available for your desired advanced practice role. (20%) –
Select a professional nursing organization for advanced practice nurses in your intended specialty area. Describe the organizations purpose and activities. (9%) – answer as planning to join military after MSN so, chief of nursing in military (united states airforce)

Sample Solution

Masters-prepared nurses typically possess advanced knowledge and skills that allow them to assume more complex and specialized roles compared to baccalaureate-prepared nurses. They often have expertise in specific areas of nursing practice, such as gerontology, pediatrics, or critical care. This advanced education enables them to:

  • Provide advanced clinical care: Masters-prepared nurses can diagnose and treat patients, prescribe medications (in some jurisdictions), and develop specialized treatment plans.
  • Lead and manage: They often hold leadership positions, such as nurse managers or clinical nurse specialists, where they oversee nursing care delivery and ensure quality outcomes.
  • Conduct research: Masters-prepared nurses may engage in research to advance nursing knowledge and improve patient care.
  • Educate others: They can teach and mentor other nurses, contributing to the development of the nursing profession.

Baccalaureate-prepared nurses are qualified to provide general nursing care, including assessing patients, administering medications, and developing care plans. While they may specialize in certain areas, their scope of practice is generally broader than that of masters-prepared nurses.

Advanced Practice Nursing Role: MSN – Nurse Executive

A Nurse Executive is a high-level leadership role within a healthcare organization. They are responsible for overseeing the nursing department and ensuring the delivery of quality patient care. Common duties and job titles associated with this role include:

  • Chief Nursing Officer (CNO): The highest-ranking nursing position within an organization.
  • Vice President of Nursing: A senior executive position with oversight over nursing services.
  • Nurse Director: A manager responsible for a specific nursing unit or department.
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS): A specialized nurse with advanced knowledge and skills in a particular area of practice.

Practice Environment for Nurse Executives

Nurse Executives typically work in hospital settings, overseeing the nursing department and ensuring the efficient and effective delivery of care. However, they may also be found in outpatient clinics, home health agencies, or long-term care facilities. Their role is to provide strategic leadership and ensure that nursing services align with the overall goals of the organization.

Professional Certification

Professional certification is a voluntary process that validates an individual’s knowledge and skills in a specific area of practice. It can enhance credibility, increase earning potential, and provide opportunities for professional advancement.

While certification is not always required for the role of a Nurse Executive, obtaining a certification, such as the Certified Nurse Executive (CNE) credential, can demonstrate a commitment to professional excellence and enhance career prospects.

Professional Nursing Organization: Military Nurse Corps

As a Nurse Executive planning to join the military, you may consider joining the Military Nurse Corps. This organization is dedicated to providing high-quality nursing care to military personnel and their families. The Military Nurse Corps offers a variety of opportunities for professional development, leadership, and service. Members of the Military Nurse Corps may serve in various roles, including:

  • Staff nurses: Providing direct patient care in military hospitals and clinics.
  • Nurse managers: Overseeing nursing operations within a specific unit or department.
  • Nurse executives: Holding senior leadership positions, such as Chief of Nursing.

Joining the Military Nurse Corps can provide a rewarding and fulfilling career, offering opportunities for service, leadership, and professional growth.


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