Ethical decision-making approaches you used to arrive at your decision.


Identify and explain which of the ethical decision-making approaches you used to arrive at your decision.

Sample Solution

  1. Utilitarianism: This approach focuses on maximizing overall happiness or well-being for the greatest number of people. It involves weighing the benefits and harms of different options and choosing the one that produces the most positive outcome.
  2. Deontology: This approach emphasizes following moral rules and principles, regardless of the consequences. It focuses on duty, obligation, and respect for individual rights.
  3. Virtue Ethics: This approach focuses on developing good character traits and virtues. It emphasizes the importance of being a good person and acting in accordance with moral principles.
  4. Care Ethics: This approach emphasizes relationships and caring for others. It focuses on empathy, compassion, and nurturing human connections.
  5. Justice Approach: This approach focuses on fairness, equity, and impartiality. It emphasizes treating people equally and fairly, regardless of their circumstances.

To identify the specific ethical decision-making approach used in a given situation, it is necessary to analyze the decision-maker’s reasoning and the factors considered in their decision-making process.


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