A patient, family, or population health problem that’s relevant to your practice.


Define a patient, family, or population health problem that’s relevant to your practice.

Summarize the problem you’ll explore.

Identify the patient, family, or group you intend to work with during your practicum.

Provide context, data, or information that substantiates the presence of the problem and its significance and relevance to the patient, family, or population.

Explain why this problem is relevant to your practice as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse.

Analyze evidence from peer-reviewed literature and professional sources that describes and guides nursing actions related to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined.

Note whether the authors provide supporting evidence from the literature that’s consistent with what you see in your nursing practice.

Explain how you would know if the data are unreliable.

Describe what the literature says about barriers to the implementation of evidence-based practice in addressing the problem you’ve defined.

Describe research that has tested the effectiveness of nursing standards and/or policies in improving patient, family, or population outcomes for this problem.

Describe current literature on the role of nurses in policy making to improve outcomes, prevent illness, and reduce hospital readmissions.

Describe what the literature says about a nursing theory or conceptual framework that might frame and guide your actions during your practicum.

Explain how state board nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental policies could affect the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined.

Describe research that has tested the effectiveness of these standards and/or policies in improving patient, family, or population outcomes for this problem.

Describe current literature on the role of nurses in policy making to improve outcomes, prevent illness, and reduce hospital readmissions.

Describe the effects of local, state, and federal policies or legislation on your nursing scope of practice, within the context of this problem.

Propose leadership strategies to improve outcomes, patient-centered care, and the patient experience related to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined.

Discuss research on the effectiveness of leadership strategies.

Sample Solution

Defining the Problem: Maternal and Child Health in Kisumu

Problem Summary:

The problem I intend to explore is the high rate of maternal and child mortality in Kisumu County, Kenya. This is a significant public health issue that disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, particularly those living in rural areas and urban slums.

Target Population:

I will be working with pregnant women and their families in a rural community within Kisumu County.

Context, Data, and Significance:

Kisumu County has a high prevalence of maternal and child mortality due to several factors, including:

  • Limited access to healthcare: Many women in rural areas lack access to quality healthcare services, particularly during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Poverty: Poverty is a major determinant of health outcomes, and it is prevalent in Kisumu County.
  • Cultural beliefs and practices: Some cultural beliefs and practices can pose risks to maternal and child health, such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and early marriage.
  • HIV/AIDS: The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Kenya is high, and it can have significant implications for maternal and child health.

This problem is highly relevant to my practice as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse because it is a significant public health issue that requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. Nurses play a crucial role in providing essential healthcare services to pregnant women and their families, and in advocating for policies that address the underlying causes of maternal and child mortality.

Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Actions

Evidence from Peer-Reviewed Literature

Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of antenatal care, skilled birth attendance, and postnatal care in reducing maternal and child mortality. These interventions are supported by strong evidence and are considered essential components of comprehensive maternal and child health services.

Reliability of Data:

The reliability of data can be assessed by examining the study design, sample size, data collection methods, and analysis techniques. Peer-reviewed journals typically have rigorous quality control measures in place to ensure the reliability of published research.

Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice

Several barriers can hinder the implementation of evidence-based practice in addressing maternal and child mortality, including:

  • Lack of awareness: Healthcare providers may not be aware of the latest evidence-based guidelines.
  • Limited resources: Inadequate resources, such as staffing, equipment, and infrastructure, can impede the implementation of evidence-based practices.
  • Cultural barriers: Cultural beliefs and practices may conflict with evidence-based recommendations.

Effectiveness of Nursing Standards and Policies

Studies have shown that the implementation of nursing standards and policies can improve maternal and child health outcomes. For example, the World Health Organization’s Safe Motherhood Initiative has been effective in reducing maternal mortality in many countries.

Role of Nurses in Policy Making

Nurses can play a significant role in policy making by advocating for policies that support maternal and child health. This can involve participating in policy development, conducting research, and providing expert testimony.

Nursing Theory and Conceptual Framework

The Health Belief Model can be applied to understand the factors that influence women’s health-seeking behaviors during pregnancy. This model suggests that individuals are more likely to adopt health-promoting behaviors if they perceive themselves to be at risk for a disease, believe that the benefits of the behavior outweigh the costs, and have the necessary cues to action.

Impact of Local, State, and Federal Policies

Local, state, and federal policies can significantly affect nursing scope of practice and the delivery of maternal and child health services. For example, policies related to access to healthcare, family planning, and reproductive rights can have a direct impact on women’s ability to access essential services.

Leadership Strategies

To improve outcomes, patient-centered care, and the patient experience, it is essential for nurses to adopt effective leadership strategies. These may include:

  • Advocacy: Nurses can advocate for policies that support maternal and child health and for increased funding for healthcare services.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration with other healthcare providers, community leaders, and policymakers is essential for addressing complex public health issues.
  • Education: Nurses can educate patients and communities about maternal and child health issues and promote health-promoting behaviors.
  • Quality improvement: Nurses can participate in quality improvement initiatives to identify and address gaps in care.

Research on Leadership Strategies

Studies have shown that effective leadership can significantly improve patient outcomes and the quality of care. For example, transformational leadership, which involves inspiring and motivating others, has been shown to be effective in improving healthcare outcomes.

By addressing the challenges of maternal and child mortality in Kisumu County through a comprehensive and evidence-based approach, nurses can make a significant contribution to improving the health and well-being of women and children in this community.


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