Theorizing can be a good opportunity to conjecture about ideas, including possible real-life implementations of policy


While theorizing can be a good opportunity to conjecture about ideas, including possible real-life implementations of policy, doctrine, or hypotheses, when theory is used to inform action, there exists the possibility of transgressing ethical boundaries. Often, a good idea in theory can result in negative effects that are unforeseen in theoretical models. Nevertheless, there are scholars and practitioners alike who would brave questionable ethical grounds in order to further the discipline and possibly increase their ability to help people in the long run.

In your initial post, explain the ethical dilemma you chose. Then select an ethical theory from your reading. Answer the following questions:
• How could theory have been applied in your ethical dilemma?
• Would the outcome have been different if you did apply the theory? Explain your answer.
• How will you use this theory in your future APRN Practice?

One of the ethical dilemma I face as an ICU nurse/ witness are family members going against patients wishes. Family members want to continue treatment even when its not in the patients best interest/ prognosis of patient isa poor, based on the healthcare team.

Please apply Freire’s theory of human liberation and a minimum of 2 references, the book can be one if you use the readings attached below.
If you have any questions please reach out to me!! I have attached a picture of the book and Freirs theory. Thank you!



Sample Solution

Ethical Dilemma: Family Members vs. Patient’s Wishes in ICU

Ethical Dilemma:

As an ICU nurse, I frequently encounter situations where family members disagree with the healthcare team’s recommendations regarding a patient’s treatment. This can be particularly challenging when the patient’s prognosis is poor and further treatment may prolong suffering. In such cases, it can be difficult to balance the family’s desire to continue treatment with the patient’s best interests.

Freire’s Theory of Human Liberation

Freire’s theory of human liberation emphasizes the importance of critical consciousness and empowerment. It posits that individuals are capable of transforming their own lives and societies through education and dialogue. This theory can be applied to the ethical dilemma of family members going against a patient’s wishes in the following ways:

  • Critical Consciousness: By encouraging family members to reflect on their own beliefs and assumptions, we can help them develop a critical consciousness and understand the implications of their decisions.
  • Empowerment: Empowering patients and their families to make informed decisions about their healthcare can help to ensure that their wishes are respected.
  • Dialogue: Facilitating open and honest dialogue between healthcare providers, patients, and families can help to bridge communication gaps and reach a consensus about the best course of action.

Applying Freire’s Theory

If Freire’s theory had been applied in this ethical dilemma, it might have led to a different outcome. By fostering critical consciousness and empowering the patient and family members, healthcare providers could have helped them to understand the implications of their decisions and make more informed choices.

Future Application of Freire’s Theory

Freire’s theory of human liberation can be applied in various aspects of nursing practice, including:

  • Patient Education: Empowering patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare by providing them with the necessary information and support.
  • Advocacy: Advocating for patients’ rights and ensuring that their voices are heard.
  • Community Engagement: Working with communities to address social and economic inequalities that can impact health outcomes.

By applying Freire’s theory, nurses can help to promote social justice, empower individuals, and improve the quality of care.


  • Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Continuum.
  • [Insert citation for the book you mentioned]


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