Risk Evaluation and Patient Safety

1. Identify a potential risk within a healthcare organization and provide the rationale for choosing this issue.
2. Discuss the risk management elements and patient safety strategies in this issue.
3. Complete a literature review related to this issue.
4. Discuss the risk assessment measures related to internal and external environmental factors, and
5. Discuss use of human factors, engineering, and other factors to improve patient safety.
6. Use a risk theory and apply it to the patient safety issue.
7. Integrate two QSEN competencies within your plan to mitigate this risk-related issue.
8. The body of the scholarly paper is to be 3 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages.
9. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and
APA format as expressed in the current edition.
10. Include a minimum of four references published within the past 5 years, not including your textbook.
References may include scholarly websites of organizations or government agencies and must be presented
using APA current edition format for electronic media

Sample Solution

In health care, risk management and quality care are at the forefront of ensuring organizational longevity and financial stability. With expected growth between 2010 and 2020, the potential risks to health care organizations are projected to grow. Several scholars opine that potential risk-management problems can affect the health care industry in a variety of ways, but the greatest effects are often on the employers’ finances. For instance, Etges et al. (2019) believes that general liability issues will instigate growth in liability insurance premiums. Workers’ compensation claims are also expected to cause an increase in employers’ insurance premiums. The health care forecast show more challenging types of claims, which can also drive up the premium costs.

Ostensibly, Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Rabindranath Tagore’s The Home and The World are two texts that are disparate in form and subject matter, each dealing with the consequences of a rapidly changing world in different ways. However, both texts share a concern with exploring the diametric relationship between the home and the outside world. This piece aims to demonstrate how the distance between the two spaces is gradually corroded by the influence of external forces. In order to achieve this, there will first be a focus on the initial harmony of the household in each text. By comparing both Bimala and Nora’s domestic spaces it will be emphasised that Ibsen’s doll house, unlike Bimala’s marital home, bears the marks of capitalism and financial consciousness from the outset. The discussion will then branch towards exploring the roles of Sandip and Krogstad as invasive forces that corrupt the interior of the household by introducing foreign ideas and concepts to both women. This segment will focus specifically on the ideological corruption levelled at Bimala, and the introduction of capitalist ideals that reduce Nora’s private household to a public spectacle. At this point, the essay will turn towards assessing Nora and Bimala’s situations at the end of each text. It will reveal that they are dislodged from the

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