L’Oréal’s premium cosmetic brand


■ perform customer analysis on a L’Oréal’s premium cosmetic brand such as Armani
■ identify the personas
■ describe their needs
■ using the questions and template below for analysis

■ who is he / she
■ background; demographics; psychographics
■ identifiers
■ what’s his / her pain points
■ what does he / she doesn’t want
■ what does he / she want to know
■ why would he / she buy from you

■ descripition
■ what’s the functional needs
■ what’s the emotional needs
■ how are these needs being met by competitors
■ what value is being offer by the competitors
■ what value can L’Oreal offer

Sample Solution

Present a discussion of what team is. What type(s) of team do you have in your organization?

A team in its simplest type may be a cluster of persons associated along in work or activity. they’ll or might not be certain by a standard objective however members of an efficient team typically do share a standard purpose that binds them. The process characteristic of a team is that it’s one entity even supposing the individual team members that comprise that team is also terribly totally different personalities.

In today’s day and age, groups are typically numerous and in several cases don’t seem to be even at a similar location. the expansion in technology has allowed such groups additionally to effectively interact with one another. regardless of the kind of team, a process characteristic of a team is that it depends on collaboration between the team members so they’ll win a goal that one person couldn’t have achieved alone. There are several factors that have an effect on the effectiveness of a team however 3 essential factors include: a compelling direction, a robust structure, and a auxiliary context (Haas & Mortensen, 2016). A compelling direction refers to a group of clearly outlined goals that the team will work towards and is impressed by. a robust structure refers to a group of clearly outlined roles and responsibilities for every team member yet as applicable members which will support the goals of the team supported their individual strengths. Another process characteristic of effective groups is that it’s a balance of skills from all the members. Lastly, a auxiliary context refers to an surroundings that’s contributory for prime performance. It may embrace several factors as well as a rewards structure, training, infrastructure etc. the thought is to make an surroundings wherever each team member will perform effectively to their best potential to attain the goals of the team.

As a group, we have a tendency to came up with the conclusion that we’ve terribly numerous groups at our place of labor. This diversity will be determined within the vary of ages, gender, r

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