Discuss the positives and negatives of groups and organizations. What are the benefits of “inclusion”? What are the detriments? Think also about groups and
conformity with the work of Asch and Milgram. Finally, you might consider a thorough discussion of the positives / negatives of bureaucracy, particularly as
articulated through the McDonaldization of Society.
As always, your discussion should be entirely your own (imagine you are sitting in a face-to-face class and I open discussion after lecture). Please do not
search the internet for “extra” information–everything you need is in the lecture and assigned readings. Plagiarizing anything from the internet will be
counted negatively towards your discussion grade for the term. If you quote from the readings, please cite appropriate page numbers
Groups and organizations and their contemporaneous dynamics are quite complex, and presented in various literatures, and are dichotomized with positive and negative aspects. Beginning with the positive, it is generally acknowledged that group dynamics can allow a group to be far more productive than any one individual. This is true when a group explores the strengths and weaknesses of its members and allows people to get the most out of on their strengths. For instance, group tasks involving report writing may be deconstructed into portions from which,
Archimedes law, CT scan which include several software’s for making videos of core sample to analyze the fractures and how it will affect the value of porosity and permeability, Formation Resistivity Factor ( capillary pressure) (appendix 2), permeability of fluids, flush cleaning using different solvents, and finally the dean stark which is about extraction of oil and water.
Consequently, the first week of training was about introduction to the company programs and services as well as the devices and process used in the laboratory.
Second week I started with the first task in CCA section which required the measurement of porosity by using DHP device (figure1). This task contain all the impotent measurements and calculation in porosity by using Boyle’s law (appendix, 1), also exporting the data in excel sheet to determine the capacity of core to hold fluids, and analyze the graphs with different behaviors (figure 1, appendix 2). Besides that, I also get a chance to use the VINCI device (figure 2) which is used for unsteady state process to get knowledge in how to determine several parameters in more accurate way such as porosity, permeability, pore volume, and bulk volume by sitting the pressure.
Moreover, the instrument calculate the pore volume and porosity by using the ideal gas law, also the pressure applied to the core is generated by high accurate hydraulic pump.
Nevertheless, in the same week I worked using DGP device (figure 3) which is specific for permeability measurement. The main factor of permeability is Darcy law (appendix 1), the important parameters of Darcy
The lectures are presented in white bored without any other materials which could help the person to understand in better way. I have found during the lecture that some workers found difficulties in understanding the main idea of the topic.
In my point of view, the lectures could be presented in an interesting way if the presenter use some other materials behind white bored for example pictures, power point, graphs, and videos related to the topics.
5.3 Radiation test of CT scan
Radiation test of CT scan is performed to determine the amount of radioactive waves emitted from CT scan. This test is an essential for all the workers inside the laboratory due to the harmful emitted waves.
The test done by the lab engineer using a special device that measures the emission of radiation waves.
I have noted during the test that some works do not have enough idea about the risks of radiation waves and they do not wear a special lab costume that prevent them.
My own feeling on the subject is that there should be some rules and actions taken by the responsible person in order to maintain the safety of employees also educate the staffs about the risks of radiation waves.
5.4 Oil spill
The department safety manager performed a task of Oil spill, the oil was spilled on the ground without informing any of the workers in order to test the ability of employees in dealing with various safety situations.What’s more, the manager discus around the safety issues as well as the accidents that can be cussed by oil spill and the correct way of how to deal with similar situations in future.