Strategic plan to implement the change proposal

Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal, the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. Develop a process to evaluate the intervention if it were implemented. Write a 150-250 word summary of the evaluation plan that will be used to evaluate your intervention.

Sample Solution

from imperial rule.” (112). Indeed, Rao’s point is significant in highlighting the importance ascribed to Bimala within the context of the ideological debate. Where she was previously disconnected with the space beyond her household, she now assumes the role of Bengal itself and struggles to decide on the means of her liberation. It is crucial to remark upon the rapid and uncompromising nature of this change. This is because it illuminates the fragility of the domestic space and its propensity for invasion “We had no time to think about it, or understand, what had happened, or what was about to happen.” ( Tagore 25). However, Rao’s suggestion that Tagore’s text is solely concerned with reflecting the political situation in Bengal is a limited one. This is illuminated by Saha Poulomi’s stance that Tagore’s worldly experience led him to internalise the destructive nature of nationalism on a global scale, and that his text is reflective of “the intersection of imperial constraints, modernist aesthetics, and national attachment.” (8). This assertion is relevant when the context of The Home and The World is examined. Published in 1916, the text arrived in the midst of the First World War which is significant because the destructive capabilities of nationalism would have been visible on the global stage. Nationalism was a driving force that triggered conflict worldwide and reshaped pre-existing illusions of geographical separation. This is because participation in the Great War was not an isolated event. It was not contained to a handful of warring countries. Rather, its influence spread globally, involving an unprecedented number of nations in a single, devastating conflict. This departs from Rao’s limited assertion that the text is solely reflective of Bengal’s national discord and points to a larger, global issue concerning the spread of ideology through conflict. Indeed, this widened focus on global impact coalesces neatly with the idea of modernity as an unstoppable force that spreads across geographical margins, consuming boundlessly.

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