


Watch “Post Truth Times” and answer the following question
1. How would you summarize this documentary to a friend or family member?
2. What impression of professional journalists does this documentary give you? How do journalists put the
news together? (Provide evidence for your impression in the form of quotes or specific points in the video )
3. What are the problems that traditional print journalism faces currently according to this documentary? What
evidence for this does the documentary provide? (This is discussed at both he beginning and the end of the
4. Choose one of the below quotes and answer the accompanying question
a. Minute 14:17 “My biggest fear is publishing false information.” Why do you think several of the journalists
say this?
b. Minute 24:36 “You know, this is entertainment, this is not news…the effort to reduce the capacity for
independent thought and independent action by diverting people giving them a limited amount of awareness of
what the world is like but try to prevent a serious understanding or critical analysis”. What does the speaker,
Noam Chomsky mean? If you agree with him, how do you see this playing out in the news you consume? Or if
you disagree, explain why you think he is wrong.
c. Minute 1:09:35 “In 50 years, I have never met a bigger enemy to free speech than unemployment” What
does the journalist/editor mean by this?
5. Minute 1:35:55 “democracy stakes everything on a continuing dialogue of informed citizens and that
dialogue rises or falls on whether the discussion is based on propaganda and deceit or on facts and verification
pursued with a mind willing to learn.” Did you think about journalism this way before? Does this change how
you would approach reading the news now? How so?





Sample Solution



An Argument for Euthanasia

The contention of willful extermination is characterized as “a demonstration or practice of seriously executing individuals experiencing immovable infections”. Willful extermination can be followed back to the human progress of old Greece and Rome. These developments here and there permit others to pass on. Willful killing was endorsed in these antiquated social orders. Today, the act of willful extermination is causing numerous discussions. Gatherings that help life and gatherings that reserve the privilege to partake are talking about various angles.

The most well known contention is its willful extermination to mitigate torment, calming the opportunity of individuals who pick inferior quality of life and passing (“reasons for killing”). A portion of the more mainstream contentions for killing incorporate an assortment of strict convictions Doctors ought avoid the reason for death confidence dismiss the idea of human life, dread of willful extermination, clinical costs There is a likelihood that it might turn into a way to control the legitimate thought, and its lawful thought might be changed and overseen Euthanasia may get automatic (“reasons for killing”). Belgian age limit, as of late changed after lawful grown-ups, for youngsters since willful extermination is definitely not a genuine (Rodriguez) fix in the previous 12 years, these days. Belgian Catholic Church necessitates that the enactment be dismissed, believing that the decrease in age limitations is “past the point of no return” (Rodriguez). In any case, most Belgian individuals uphold the bill (Rodriguez)

The contention of willful extermination is characterized as “a demonstration or practice of seriously slaughtering individuals experiencing obstinate illnesses”. Killing can be followed back to the progress of antiquated Greece and Rome. These civic establishments once in a while permit others to bite the dust. Deliberate willful extermination was affirmed in these antiquated social orders. Today, the act of killing is causing numerous debates. Gatherings that help life and gatherings that reserve the option to take an interest are examining various perspectives.

Conversation on willful extermination in the UK One of the greatest contentions in the UK today is killing. Conversations on killing frequently depend on “option to live” and “right to the death penalty” whenever legitimized. Initially, the expression “killing” signifies “quiet and straightforward passing”, however now “instigating demise conduct”. Why willful extermination is really slaughtering, and for what reason does everybody change another point of view? Numerous individuals are disagreeing about this issue. Philanthropic people seek after good standards, advance joy and fulfillment in their lives, attest assurance measures to forestall and forestall deliberate killing as being ethically right



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